Chaperone Guide / Todo List

Dear Chaperones

Thank you for volunteering to chaperone with the Grand Blanc High School

Instrumental Music program. We are delighted to have your time and energy this year. Getting 100+ students to and from events is no small feat. It takes a lot of pre-planning, time, energy, support, and flexibility from very dedicated parents like you.

The following information is provided to help you as a chaperone. Each year there are changes to the procedures, so even if you have chaperoned in the past please read the document thoroughly.

Most questions should be answered here, but if you do have additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the chaperone chairman listed below. As a volunteer your input is valuable, so any comments or suggestions for improvements are welcome!


Chaperones assume many roles during the course of the marching season and throughout the school year. Our first priority is to keep the students SAFE! Get them where they need to be, with everything they need, and in a timely manner. Underscoring all of this is the support we give to Mr. Hutchison and Mr. Goncz during band events so they may concentrate on the performances.

Requirements / Expectations / Responsibilities

Student Code of Conduct

We place great faith in our students. We believe they are capable of being exemplary ambassadors for our school. However, there have been and may be situations where a single irresponsible person negatively affects the group as a whole. Our Code of Conduct is designed to protect the rights of responsible students to participate in educational events without being adversely affected by the poor judgment of a few individuals. We are ever mindful of our role as representatives of our school, district, and community. We, therefore, adhere to and enforce the following code to affirm that only the highest level of behavior is acceptable. 

Chaperone Protocol Guidelines

The students know what conduct is expected of them and the consequences if they fail to follow the guidelines. Usually, a discreet word or look will suffice in stopping any inappropriate behavior. When this does not work, please inform the directors. 

Disciplinary Action:

If disciplinary action is required, please inform the directors so they can handle it. The directors would rather handle a small situation early rather than a big problem later. Students feel they get equal treatment when it comes from one source. Inform the head chaperone and/or the directors of the problem and trust that it will be resolved.




Band Camp is one week in the beginning of August. It is required for all students participating in Marching Band.

Only the directors may make the judgment call to release or excuse a student from any activity.

All disciplinary problems should be reported to the band directors immediately.

Morning Shift Volunteer

Morning Shift: 8:30am to 1 PM


Afternoon Shift: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Dinner Volunteers

Dinner Volunteers: 3:30pm to 6:00 pm


Evening Shift: 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Football Games

The marching band plays at every home football game. There is a pre-game show and a halftime show. Chaperones get into the games free as long as they have a chaperone badge. (The exception is state playoff games) 

Please arrive at the band room between 5:00 and 5:30 if possible.

Chaperones remain with the students in their designated stands.


Competition chaperones ride the bus with students to the event.

Make sure the required items for the bus are ready to load. These include:


During Competition

Once students are in the coat rooms, they may use the bathrooms and get drinks of water:

2 chaperones follow the Pit/percussion students to the truck and get the water to

hand out at warm up.

Mr. Hutchison will collect the band students and lead them to the designated warm-up area. Chaperones go along and help hand out water bottles.

After the ceremony, escort the band back to the coatrooms to collect coats, instruments, and personal items.

Once everyone is back at the High School:


The State Finals is the first Saturday in November at Ford Field.

There are release forms for Students and Volunteers to sign. Performance times vary each year

There are t-shirts/videos/pictures/pins that may be purchased or ordered from the stadium.

Once the ceremony is over, students are lead to the buses:

Once back at the High School:


All 3 Day Bands participate in Band Festival.

The bands travel separately to the Festival due to different performance times.

Festival chaperones ride the bus with students to the event.

