
our philosophies

Our Big Ideas

We, as past students and current instructors of this program, feel it is important for you, the families of these performers, understand our big picture ideas and philosophies we implement in this program

● We want the best for your performer as both a member of this team and as an individual

● We want each performer to feel and see improvement 

● We want to lay the groundwork for your performer to have the skills to spin elsewhere in the future if they so desire

● Each performer on our team is essential and an important part of our family and show

● We want to highlight the best of each performer

● Practice time is scarce, and we vow to use our time wisely

● Scoring is important, but it is not what we want to be focused on. The art we are creating as a family is the heart of this operation

● Our show should develop organically. Nothing is set in stone. We will constantly work to improve it and revise it as needed