WEEK 3 Newsletter 




The occupational dimension recognizes personal satisfaction and enrichment in one’s life through work. Financial Wellness involves the process of learning how to successfully manage financial expenses. Money plays a critical role in our lives and not having enough of it impacts health as well as academic performance.


Get those points turned in for February 12th - February 18th! Due Tuesday, February 20th at noon

Week 2 Points Form


Almost always = 2 points            Sometimes/occasionally = 1 point           Very seldom = 0 points

_____  1.  I am happy with my career choice.

_____  2.  I look forward to work.

_____  3.  My job responsibilities/duties are consistent with my values.

_____  4.  The payoffs/advantages in my career field choice are consistent with my values.

_____  5.  I am happy with the balance between my work time and leisure time.

_____  6.  I am happy with the amount of control I have in my work.

_____  7.  My work gives me personal satisfaction and stimulation.

_____  8.  I am happy with the professional/personal growth provided by my job.

_____  9.  I feel my job allows me to make a difference in the world.

_____ 10. My job contributes positively to my overall well-being.

_______ Total for Occupational Wellness Dimension

Score: 15 to 20 Points –  Excellent strength in this dimension.

Score:  9 to 14 Points – There is room for improvement.  Look again at the items in which you scored 1 or 0.  What changes can you make to improve your score?

Score:  0 to 8 Points – This dimension needs a lot of work.  Look again at this dimension and challenge yourself to begin making small steps toward growth here.  Remember:  The goal is balanced wellness.


Almost always = 2 points            Sometimes/occasionally = 1 point           Very seldom = 0 points

_____  1.  I always have the money for what I need.

_____  2.  I review my bank statements.

_____  3.  I pay all of my bills on time.

_____  4.  I balance my bank accounts regularly.

_____  5.  I keep my Social Security Card or number in a secure place.

_____  6.  I save part of my income every time I receive any money (from work, family, or refunds of any kind).

_____  7.  I pay my credit card bill off completely every month.

_____  8.  I follow a spending plan every month.

_____  9.  I know the total amount of debt I have.

_____ 10. Every time I get a new Debit Card I change the PIN.

_______ Total for Occupational Wellness Dimension

Score: 15 to 20 Points – Excellent strength in this dimension.

Score:  9 to 14 Points – There is room for improvement.  Look again at the items in which you scored 1 or 0.  What changes can you make to improve your score?

Score:  0 to 8 Points – This dimension needs a lot of work.  Look again at this dimension and challenge yourself to begin making small steps toward growth here.  Remember:  The goal is balanced wellness. 


Learn the basics of budget building and access related financial tools and resources to help you better plan, build, and manage your personal budget. 


If you have questions about your finances, financial aid, or how to make an effective spending plan, ways to save money, or if you need assistance in finding ways to develop your occupational wellness, explore the list of resources below.