A sense of community is at the heart of Fulham Cross Sixth form and our diverse extra-curricular programmes give students the opportunity to build relationships and develop key life and employability skills in a variety of settings. Enrichment is in every students’ timetable, and our vision is to create well- rounded students, who excel academically and develop their emotional, interpersonal and social skills. All students at the Sixth Form take part in our bespoke careers and employability, enrichment and PSHE programmes as part of their full-time pathway.

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning and STEM

Our Sixth Form represents a new phase of independence and is ideal preparation for university, apprenticeships, the world of work and adulthood. We look to develop ambitious, motivated students who are confident with independent study. We have an impressive track record with a reputation for outstanding outcomes that sees our students secure places at their first choice universities.

We are a STEM specialist centre; offering an extensive range of A-Level and vocational courses to choose from. As our Sixth Form grows, this range of subjects also has to create families of subjects that give choice across the sciences, humanities and vocational subjects.

All of our courses are taught by subject specialists dedicated to supporting our students on their academic journeys and passionate about helping them thrive in universities or careers after their time at Fulham Cross Sixth Form. All departments offer educational visits to enhance the curriculum, and being a London based Sixth Form gives us access to cutting edge developments across all business sectors, which widens students’ understanding of their subject area and their place in the world.

Our school’s teaching and learning foundation rests in ensuring that students have the opportunity to know more, do more and remember more in every lesson. Teaching is based on sound research in how people learn and remember, and our staff structure lessons to ensure that time is used effectively, and students are supported to progress.

Staff organise regular mini-assessments to track progress and identify areas where students can develop. This also ensures that the pace of learning is challenging but leaves no one behind. The year is mapped out clearly for students to know when key points for assessment will happen, and teachers ensure that they have sufficient time and support to prepare effectively. Throughout the course, the design of the curriculum ensures that students revisit topics to make sure that they stick in the memory. We work closely with parents. We also publish clear curriculum maps and essential knowledge for each subject for each term on our website so that parents and carers can support students at home. All home learning is published through Google Classroom so parents can carefully monitor and support at home.


All students at the Sixth Form take part in our bespoke careers and employability programme as part of their full-time pathway. Students have a weekly dedicated lesson focussing on either a curriculum focused Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance. Our cohort will embark on a journey of personal aspiration & character building through tailored sessions with expert careers advice from our staff, charity and employer partners through group activities, industry professionals, application/cv/cover letter advisors, networking events, mock interviews, trips and visits and much more.

Every pupil is prepared for a wide range of progression routes, including apprenticeships, university and employment through our CEIAG and transition programme. Part of this preparation our students have a dedicated week in the term to participate in a work experience. Students are aided with sourcing work experience, often with one of our employer partners or through their own research/contacts. 

For further details on our careers programme please click here


Enrichment is in every students’ timetable, and our vision is to create well- rounded students, who excel academically and develop their emotional, interpersonal and social skills. All students take part in activities of their choice and are encouraged to bring their ideas for developing our enrichment programmes. We offer a wide range of sports including football, basketball, table tennis and cricket, as well as having access to exercise and fitness facilities.

Fulham Cross Sixth Form is proud to offer the Duke of Edinburgh Award at Silver level as it builds on our values and core study offer. All students are encouraged to develop skills, physical fitness and support the local community through volunteering. The expedition section takes students out of the city to areas of outstanding natural beauty.

We encourage our students to take practical action in the service of others to create positive change. These youth social actions are incorporated into our study programmes alongside other work experiences to allow our students to hone their work-related skills and behaviours and positively impact our local community. Our enrichment programme is continuously evolving in response to the needs and interests of our student community and that of the local and global labour markets.


At FCA, we understand that student life can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster. We make it a priority to take a holistic approach to ensure each individual student has the tools they need to combat various issues in order to flourish and maximise their learning potential. Within the Sixth Form students are provided with a comprehensive PSHE programme covering a vast variety of opportunities to engage with internal and external workshops. Our students will receive guidance and advice, which looks at health, wellbeing, relationships, society, ,mental health, communication, revision and planning. 

We have a dedicated virtual student services space which hosts a wide range of resources to help students. We also offer 1:1 support through our Sixth Form mentor, in which the support is personalised to the individuals needs and worries.