We are incredibly proud of the performance of our students at Fulham Cross Academy.  They worked really hard and obtained the results that they deserve.  Students did exceptionally well in Science, English and History but have also performed well across the board.

A number of students obtained very noteworthy results getting a string of 8s & 9s but we also have a significant number of students who have exceeded their targets by at least a grade and some of them by 3 or 4 - we are incredibly proud of that too.  We are a school that prides ourself on educating the whole child through a supportive approach where every student matters to us and this is reflected in our outcomes this year.

This year group had to weather the pandemic during Year 8 which impacted on both their foundation knowledge as well as the continuity of their education and obviously we lost several days to industrial action this year although we did continue to bring examination students into school to be taught where possible.

Well done to the whole of Year 11 at FCA - you were fantastic!

Mr Jones - Head of School