
General overview

In KS3 our students are introduced to the formal elements of art and design. In year 7, students learn to play with colours, shapes and forms through abstract design and learn how to use watercolour and other mixed media. In year 8, pupils improve their drawing skills and explore how to create 3D mediums with recycled materials. In year 9 they begin to develop their creative thinking skills and produce work inspired by a range of artists from different backgrounds, both historical and contemporary. During KS4, students revisit and develop the skills they have learned in KS3 and work towards project themes such as Natural Forms and Identity. They learn how to use other artists' work to influence their own work through research and experimentation. Additionally, we also teach KS5 art and design in our sixth form at BTEC Level 3 where students have the opportunity to work on longer projects and learn the creative process through constant experimentation and refinement of skills. They also learn how to analyse and understand artists' work through critical and contextual studies. Outside of the course, we also organise trips that allow students to see what other artists are creating in the world, and allow them to think about what pathway they would like to pursue within the creative field.


Curriculum highlights


Students enjoy learning how to use watercolour and acrylic paint, creating 3D sculptures, and learning new ways to be creative aside from just drawing. We push our students to be creative and express themselves through colour, shape, pattern, collage, etc. We are also developing our schemes of work to be more diverse and modern so students can better engage with the projects. Furthermore, we believe taking students on trips to galleries and museums is an important and enriching way for them to experience art outside the classroom. We encourage them to ask questions, think creatively, and express their opinions and ideas. Lastly, we make sure to incorporate art into our STEAM curriculum delivery within the school community so students know that art can also be used within subjects like maths and science.