What is the governing body?

The Governing Body is a group of unpaid volunteers from various parts of the community. They are required by law to help the school provide the best possible education for its pupils.

They play a critical role in setting the strategic priorities for the school, and ensuring that the school is effectively run by the Executive Principal.

The role of the Governing Body is to:

The Governing Body is organised into sub-committees which undertake delegated work on behalf of the full board.  The sub-committees are:

As and when required, additional sub-committees are convened on a temporary basis to help formulate policy and provide strategic guidance in addressing particular issues that the Academy is facing.

A full list of governors, along with details of which sub-committee they serve on, can be found below.

How do I contact the governing body?

Please write to the Chair of Governors at

Executive board

Executive Board

Trust Member Board

Trust Member board

Finance and Premises/Audit Committee

Finance and premises / audit committee

Human Resources Committee

Human Resources Committee

Strategic Managment Committee

Strategic Managment committee

Pay Appeals Committee

Pay Appeals Committee

Head Teacher Performance Review

Head teachers Performance review group

Fundraising and Engagement Working Party

Fundraising and engagement working party

Delegation of Responsibility

Delegation or responsibilty

Past members

Past Members