Fulham Cross Academy is driven by our commitment to seeing every young person who walks through our door flourish. An exemplary careers education, information and advice provision is at the heart of the ethos at our school. 

We have a fully resourced Careers and Work Experience Department providing personalised support to every student in the school. The Careers Department at Fulham Cross is currently meeting ‘Gatsby Measures’ and continues to evaluate the careers curriculum to ensure these measures are met. You can see the benchmarks  by following the link below:

Work Experience

Students have the opportunity to explore the world of further education and the world of work from day one in year 7 until they sadly leave us at the end of year 13. Student drop in sessions are available most days from 8.00am throughout break time, lunch time and after school up until 3.30 pm. The Department is staffed by Miss Mohamed but is also supported by the year teams and the PSHE Team. Miss Mohamed contact details can be found below:

Careers Officer:

Fatima Mohamed

Tel: 020 7381 0861


Every Year 10 and 12 student has a one week work experience placement during the summer term. Work experience provides students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of work, to acquire and develop key skills, to sample a wide a range of tasks as possible under the supervision of experienced workers and to make a small contribution to the work of a team. In addition, students receive 1:1 careers information, advice and guidance appointments from an independent Careers Advisor from “All Together”. We also work closely with external advisers supporting students with their progression:

If you are an employer, parent or guardian and would like to know more about how you can support the school and it’s students, please contact the Careers Officer, Fatima Mohamed to discuss this further. 

Careers and Higher Education

Careers education lessons are delivered as part of the school’s PSHEE programme and form the foundations of the Aspirations service. To complement this work, students are given numerous opportunities to experience contact with and gain an insight into external organisations, including:

Throughout their time at Fulham Cross, all students are strongly encouraged to consider their next steps especially into further and higher education. For further advice as a parent/carer, please follow the links below:


The school regularly reviews its careers and work experience provision and produces a yearly review for the Senior Leadership Team. Destinations data on students leaving the school is collected and analysed every autumn. Feedback about work experience is also collected from students and employers every spring which helps to inform the planning of work experience for the next academic year. Curriculum reviews of PSHEE that include careers education are also conducted in the summer term again, informing planning and development of the programme for the next academic year. The next review is due in July 2022.

Careers  : Career tools – job profiles – profiles on almost 800 different types of job, from gardener to graphic designer. Each one explains which skills and qualifications you need to get into that job. You can also read about what the work would be like, the average salary you could expect and what the career prospects are.

Please see our Provider Access Statement below.


Explore your education and training choices

Whether you know where you're heading or not, knowing about the different routes open to you is a great place to start.