Year Groups/ Pastoral Team:

At FCA, students are assigned a form group and tutor. Their attendance and progress is overseen by their tutor and Head of Year who are supported by the Senior Leadership Team. 

Each morning starts with students coming into school to either tutor time or assembly. These pastoral periods have become a cornerstone of school life at Fulham Cross Academy. We strongly believe that students need routines and personable relationships to be successful in their education, so we put time and effort into making these a focus for them. Staff ensure that students are prepared for the day, dressed appropriately, in the right frame of mind and deliver key messages that will help shape student thinking for the day or week.

Additionally, we use morning tutor time to check on student attendance and recognise students that are doing well in school. It is essential to start the day on the right foot and that is what we try to do every morning.

In addition to our form groups, students are also part of a House system which we use to promote effort and progress throughout the year. Our Houses are aptly named after key STEM figures: