Extracurricular Activities

At Maxwell we implement several extracurricular activities in which Spanish is the language of focus.....

Spanish Summer Camp

Los teatreros de Maxwell


STLP: Coding and Building

Summer Camp

During the summer break, several Maxwell students have the opportunity to continue improving their Spanish language while they play games or learn about food from different Spanish countries.

WMAX ¿Qué pasa en Maxwell?

Maxwell students create a 30-minute weekly show with both informational clips and educational features that reinforce concepts learned in the classroom. The program was recognized in the 2017/18 school year as the "Best K-5 Newscast" in the state.

4 teatro.mp4

Los teatreros de Maxwell

Twenty five intermediate students meet twice a week to enjoy drama in Spanish. Students perform small plays, sometimes written by the students!


Fifty students participate in the school's Spanish chorus. Directed by Sr. Chamorro, they prepare different concerts that are presented twice a year. A section of the students also participate in the district Honors Chorus.