
Pop Art Comic

Roy Lichtenstein and Comic Pop Art

Step One:

Take a new Picture of yourself in a comic book-esque pose

Use the below tutorial to create a comic book effect to your portrait.

Do not worry about applying the background color because will create our own background

Step Two:

Take a photo of the Jesuit High School campus that we will apply the same comic book effect to in Photoshop using the above tutorial. This will be the background of your Portrait.

Step Three:

I will demo in class how to apply a color fill over the background so you stand out from the comic background of JHS

Step Four:

Use one of the comic speech bubbles and font that I provide to add text. The text you add will be a simple Jesuit phrase of your choosing. For example: AMDG, Go Big Red!, Men for Others, Go Set the World on Fire, Find God in All Things, or if I have left something off then please let me know!  

Putting it Together!: