
You will use a 9x12 (at least 100 page) sketchbook to create your Journal. You will continue to use this journal throughout the entire school year. Your summer entry in your journal will consist of four sections: Terms, Gallery/Museum Visit(s), Photos, and Reading. Your journal will need to be submitted before the first day of class to Google Classroom (Classroom Code: z6yldoo). 



Please define the terms listed below as they relate to the Principles and Elements of Art and Photography. You will also need to include a sample for each term. This can be done using colored pencils, paints, your own photographs, or pictures that you find in magazines, catalogs, and/or the internet. (Examples need to be obvious in their representation of the terms). The terms are divided into three categories: Color, Lighting, and Composition.






Primary colors

Secondary Colors

Analogical colors






High Key

Low Key



Broad Light

Short Light

Golden Hour

Principles of Photographic Design

Elements of Art and Design

Use this link for definitions of the Elements of Art and Design and the Principles of Photography


Gallery/ Museum Visit(s)


This summer, you will need to visit one or two different art museums or galleries. Please include in your journal any literature or brochures that you receive during your visit(s). Write down the names of artists and pieces that you were drawn to (note: the pieces don’t have to be photography or digital). If you are at a museum, then it is generally OK for you to take photos of the pieces that you enjoyed and please include them in your journal. Galleries, however, may not allow for photography. You can google the artist when you get home and print images of their work to include in your journal. If there is an Artist Statement next to a piece you like, then take a picture of that as well and include it in your portfolio. 

Here is a basic list of Local Museums and Notable Galleries, but you can visit any gallery or museum of your choosing! 



You will need to shoot at least 150 photos, or if using film, three rolls of film. These photos, which we will consider a “mini portfolio,” will help inform your personal curriculum for the school year as well as define the direction of your art. You will select 10 of your favorite photos that you took over the summer, print them to 4x6, and paste them into your journal. Please include handwritten notes next to each photo that explain why each photo stands out to you.

All 150 files of your photos will need to be uploaded before the first day of school to a Google Drive folder that will be shared on Classroom. (If you shoot on film, then please develop with a developer like The Darkroom where you can also have a digital copy of your prints). On the first day of school, we will create Contact Sheets of these photos. Shoot whatever you like; the more practice, the better. Please do not feel like these photos need to be perfect, but instead use this time to experiment with new techniques, subjects, or editing styles.

Printing note: Walgreens offers same day pickup for prints and online printers like Shutterfly will deliver directly to you!



For the reading section, you can do one of the following: read one or more of the books from the reading list below or read one article on photography per week (10 total articles). Summarize your book in your journal (summary should be at least 500 words) or if you read articles, include the article or cite your source in your journal along with your summary of the article (each summary should be at least 100 words). For either summary you will print out the Google Doc Summary form, (Article Summary Form here, and Book Summary Form here), fill it out (handwritten), and paste it into your journal. Articles can also be about the history/future of photography, photographers, digital art, or technology like cameras, software, lights, etc. Reading about photography will enable you to learn new techniques (e.g., night photography, macro photography), so choose articles that are interesting to you! Feel free to dedicate some of your 150 photos to trying out any of the techniques you learn about. (Some of the magazine articles may include or consist mostly of videos: this is OK!).

Book Suggestions

Photography After Frank

Photography Speaks

On Photography

Beauty in Photography

Why Photography Matters 

Or any photographer biography*

Magazines, Journals, and Websites


Outdoor Photographer

Digital Photography Review

Amateur Photographer


Digital Camera World



Art in America


Works that Work


Eye Magazine


Article Summary
Book Summary

*There are all kinds of biographies written on photographers- There is a photographer for everyone, so if you need help choosing, then please send me an email!