
Golden Hour Photography

Directions: On a sheet of notebook paper answer the 10 questions next to each section after reading/watching the material.

Bob Holmes and 8 Tips for Lighting

Golden Hour Photography

Read this article and answer the following questions:

3. What is Golden Hour Lighting?

4. Why is Golden Hour lighting so ideal for photography?

5. Summarize each 8 tips for shooting Golden Hour photography?

Planning your own Golden Hour photoshoot

For homework you will take 5 photos taken during Golden Hour. You will plan your photoshoot ahead of time. Your photos will be due on 2/5.

6. Where do you plan on taking your Golden Hour photos? Why would this be a good location? What challenges might you encounter at this location? 

7. Knowing your schedule, what day on the calendar would be best for shooting? 

8. What will your subject be for these photos? You can have more than one. Where should you put the light (the sun) relative to your subjects for dynamic shots?

9. What can you do to make sure your subjects stand out and they are not lost in the background? Look for examples of photos on Unsplash shot during Golden Hour where the subject stands out and is the clear focal point. Describe two different photos that you found and what tips you plan on borrowing from the photos. 

10. What tools can you use in Lightroom when editing to bring out the benefits of Golden Hour lighting?