
Low Key Still Life and Dappled Light Still Life

Step 1: 

Low Key Still Life

1) Arrange your items using either the Golden Triangles or the Golden Spiral. Use the handout to help guide you.

2) Take the smallest studio light and reflect the light off of the white window shade. This will create indirect and soft light. Take your picture using whichever lens you prefer and with a tripod.

3) Return all items to the center table.

4) Edit your photo and post tour website. Include the Shutter Speed, ISO, Aperture, and Focal Length.

For Reference, this is what the set up looked like for the low key still life.

Step 2: 

Dappled Light Still Life

1) Wait until everyone has completed their Low Key Still life and the black back drop has been raised and the white wall is your background. Use the handout to help guide you.

2) Arrange your items using either the Golden Triangles or the Golden Spiral.

3) Take the smallest studio light and reflect the light off of the white window shade. This will create indirect and soft light.

4) Pick an object to filter light through and have your partner light up your subject using their cell phone flashlight. Take your picture using whichever lens you prefer and with a tripod.

5) Return all items to the center table.

6) Edit your photo and post tour website. Include the Shutter Speed, ISO, Aperture, and Focal Length.