Landscape Photography


Directions: Visit a local park, greenspace, or even a State or National Park and take 10 landscape photographs. All 10 photos should be taken at the same destination, but can be taken at different times of the day. These photos should be a variety of grand landscapes, close-up detail shots, and abstracted close-ups. Each photo should use at least one of the Rules of Composition listed below. You do not need to use all of the Rules.

Once you have taken all of your photographs upload them to a folder in Google Drive. DO NOT EDIT these photos just yet, we will edit them in class using the classroom computers and the desktop version of Lightroom. These photos are due March 4th/5th at the beginning of your period's meeting time. 

Student Examples

Owen Lesser '26

Eamon Hempenstall '26

Caden Kroettinger '26

Teddy Rios '26

Andres Reyes '26

Tyler Haddad '26

Jacob Bradshaw '26

Nolan Pahule '26

Corey Beebe '26

Kenny Castro '23

Bennett Witherell '25

Landon Darling '25

Ethan Rogers '25

Luke Hurley '25

Zach Semon '25

Josh Rucker '26

Grant Kaufman '26

Fahad Javaid '26

John Faris '24

Matthew Ielati '26

Caden Kroettinger '26

Brennan Harmatz '26

Riley Blum '26

George Tzitzikas '25

Owen Lesser '26

Brady Blum '25

Patrick Bratset '25

Ben Castillo '25

Ben Yiakis '25

Matthew Gilles '26

Calvin Vinding '24

Will Dowd '26

Kenny Menza '26

Tayt Jackson '26

Jordan Walczykowski '26

Evan Morton '26

Declan Cooley '26

Jackson Henderson '25

Brayden O'Brien '25

Zach Monahan '25

Brandon Curry '25




Landscape Rubric