
Website Updates & Leading Lines

Exercise One:

Review best of High/Low and Texture and discuss what made these photos so successful

Exercise Two:

1) Edit 5 HW Rule of Thirds Photos and 3 In-Class Rule of Thirds Photo

2) Make a Rule of Thirds folder in Google Drive and add all edited photos

3) Create a new subpage on your site for Rule of Thirds

Leading LInes

Untitled presentation


1. Take 4 Leading Lines photos.

NO Train tracks, middle of the roads, busy streets, or any other situation that puts yourself or others in danger!

2. Edit photos in Lightroom and edit using our workflow.

3. Export from Lightroom and upload to a Google Drive folder called "Leading Lines"

4. Create a subpage with your photos on your website and call it "Leading Lines"

5. Hit "Publish." Copy the Published Site Link. See Classroom for Due Date