
Aperture And Lightroom Classic


If you did not take the Unit 1 Test, there is a make-up test on Tuesday during Community in CH 102.

Exercise 1: Take Shallow & Deep DoF Photos

Aperture 22

Using the Rules of Composition, take 3 Shallow and 3 Deep Depth of Field (DoF) shots.

A shallow depth of field shot will require that you are close to your subject and have a wide aperture (f/3.5). If you cannot get your aperture to f/3.5, then zoom the lens out and try again. 

A deep depth of field shot will require that you have a small aperture and are not too close to your subject. Any aperture with an opening smaller than f/11 (remember that means all number larger than 11!) will give you a deeper depth of field.

Exercise 2: Edit in LRC on Lab Computers

A. Library Filter bar B. Image display area C. Identity plate  D. Panels for working with source photos E. Filmstrip F. Module Picker G. Panels for working with metadata, keywords, and adjusting images H. Toolbar 

 Step One

Make sure in the MODULE PICKER (F) you have selected Develop. On the left bottom of the screen and above the FILMSTRIP (E) select IMPORT. You can either drag your photos from the Finder OR you can use the panel on the left hand side of the screen to tell LR where to find your photos. Your SD Card with organize your photos first in a folder called DCIM and next in a folder called 100Canon.

Step Two

Once you have added your photos, you can remove any photos you do not want to use by clicking the photo and then hitting the DELETE key. 

Step Three

Now in the MODULE PICKER (F) select Develop and edit your photos (G) using the same workflow we use in the Lightroom App. (White Balance, Straighten Horizon (Crop), HSL Color Panel, Tonal Adjustments, Tone Curve, etc...

Step Four

Once you have 6 photos that meet the requirements and you have had me check your photos, then you can now export from Lightroom. To export go to the Library Module and select all of the photos you wsh to export by holding down COMMAND and clicking each photo. Then select EXPORT using the settings below

Exercise 3: Upload to your Website

Create a subpage and call it Shallow and Deep Depth of Field Photos. Upload each photo and add a caption to every photo that labels it either Shallow or Deep AND includes the ISO, Focal Length, Aperture, and Shutter Speed. You can find all of that information under the histogram for the photo on Lightroom (See image below)