
Lenses and Aperture

Exercise 1: Notes


Exercise 2: Reading Summary

Read this article and using a piece of binder paper, summarize the following sections. Can be in bullet points, but you must cover all the main points made. Label your paper with your name and your period and place on Dr. Madden's desk when complete

Exercise 3: Telephoto Photos

Use the telephoto lens to isolate your subject with a shallow depth of field. If our photo is done correctly, then the subject will stand out from the blurred background. Please edit your photos in a way that makes your subject pop- masks are great for this!

Use a wide aperture and experiment with all of the focal lengths on the lens.

When you edit the photos be sure to check both boxes under Lens Corrections in LR. 

Post all 10 edited photos on a subpage on your website. Include ISO, Aperture, Focal Length, and Shutter Speed.