
Organization on Google Drive and the Lab Computers

Google Drive Organization

1) In Google Drive create a folder called Digital Photography Fall Semester. This is where you will upload all your photos for this class. Click the Plus Sign > Select New Folder

2) Every time you upload photos to this folder you will create a folder titled whatever the Assignment Name is on Classroom. For example, your last assignment was called Texture, so now add a folder inside your Digital Photography Fall Semester Folder and call it Texture

3) Add all of your Texture photos to his folder. 

4) I will do periodic checks to your Google Drive to make sure you are keeping it organized, so follow these directions for every assignment.

Lab Computer Organization

1) To log into the Mac Desktop computers use your Jesuit Google Username and Password to log in. Do not at @student.jhs.net to your username

2) Once you are logged in, click the Launchpad icon in the Dock and the bottom of the screen. (Figure A)

3. Click the second dot (Figure B)

4. Open Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, and Chrome (The Photoshop and Lightroom icons are blocks with PS and LrC)

5. Once each app appears in your Dock, Right Click the App icon and say Keep in Doc. Do this to all three Apps.

6. To Sign In to Adobe, select Sign in With Google and sign in with your Jesuit Google Account.

7. Now Close each App you opened. Click each app and then type CMD Q. This is the Mac keyboard shortcut for quit.

8. Click the Apple icon in the very top left of your screen and select LOG OUT

Figure A

Figure B

Figure C

Saving Work to Lab Computers

1) You will not store your work on these computers because too many students use these computers and that would require a lot of storage. So every time you start working on a new assignment you will right click the Desktop and say New Folder (Figure D)

2) Rename the Folder whatever the Assignment name is on Classroon

3) Everything you save for that assignment will go to this folder.

4) When you are finished with the assignment you will drage the entire folder to your Digital Photography Fall Semester folder on Google Drive.

5) Once you are sure the folder and its contents have been saved to Google Drive you will delete all of its contents by dragging the folder to the Trash bin. Then you will right click the Trash bin and click Empty Trash.

Figure D

Figure E