The Primary Counselor

Ms. Asiya

Primary Counselor

KG1 - Year 6

Welcome to the Primary Counseling Department

As a counselor, my role includes supporting students  academically, emotionally/socially and behaviourally.  

My goal is to support students in reaching their full  potential and to provide a holistic development where they learn through real-life experiences.

I work with students, parents, and fellow staff members to help students receive the support needed to be successful. 

If you wish to get in touch, here are my email below:

Character is Destiny

Author unknown

"Watch your thoughts,

They become your words.

Watch your words,

They become your actions.

Watch your action,

They become your habits.

Watch your habits;

They become your character.

Watch your character;

It becomes your destiny."




Mindfulness is a profound practice that invites individuals to be fully present in the moment, to cultivate a deep awareness of their thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment. It encourages us to slow down and savor each experience, whether it's a simple breath or a complex emotion. By anchoring our attention to the present, mindfulness enables us to disconnect from the chaos of our busy lives and find a sense of inner calm. Through techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or even mindful walking, it helps us gain clarity, reduce stress, and foster a greater connection with ourselves and the world around us. Mindfulness isn't about eliminating life's challenges, but rather, it empowers us to navigate them with grace, resilience, and a sense of peace. As we embrace mindfulness, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and a more profound appreciation for the beauty of each passing moment.


Mindfulness is a profound practice that invites individuals to be fully present in the moment, to cultivate a deep awareness of their thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment. It encourages us to slow down and savor each experience, whether it's a simple breath or a complex emotion. By anchoring our attention to the present, mindfulness enables us to disconnect from the chaos of our busy lives and find a sense of inner calm. Through techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or even mindful walking, it helps us gain clarity, reduce stress, and foster a greater connection with ourselves and the world around us. Mindfulness isn't about eliminating life's challenges, but rather, it empowers us to navigate them with grace, resilience, and a sense of peace. As we embrace mindfulness, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and a more profound appreciation for the beauty of each passing moment.


Confidence is a fundamental attribute that can significantly impact a student's academic and personal success. When students possess self-confidence, they are more likely to embrace challenges, take risks, and persist in the face of adversity. It empowers them to actively engage in the learning process, ask questions, and express their ideas without fear of judgment. Moreover, confident students tend to set higher goals, believe in their abilities to achieve them, and maintain a positive attitude even in the face of setbacks. Their self-assured demeanor not only benefits their educational pursuits but also influences their interpersonal relationships, as it fosters effective communication and leadership skills. Building and nurturing confidence in students is a vital aspect of education, as it equips them with the self-belief and resilience needed to navigate the complexities of the academic journey and the challenges of the world beyond the classroom.


Reflective thinking is a cognitive process that encourages individuals to delve into their thoughts, experiences, and actions with a purposeful and critical mindset. It involves taking a step back to contemplate one's own experiences, decisions, and the impact they have had on personal growth and understanding. Through introspection, individuals can gain deeper insights into their own motivations, values, and goals. This self-awareness is invaluable, not only for personal development but also for learning from past experiences and making more informed choices in the future. Reflective thinking is a key component of lifelong learning, enabling individuals to adapt, grow, and refine their approaches to various aspects of life, including education, work, and relationships. It's a tool for continuous self-improvement, helping us better understand ourselves and the world around us. By fostering a habit of reflection, one can become a more mindful, adaptable, and insightful individual, capable of making better-informed decisions and embracing personal and professional growth.


Innovative students are the driving force behind progress and change in the world. These individuals possess a unique blend of creativity, curiosity, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. They are not content with conventional thinking; instead, they seek new solutions, approaches, and ideas to address complex problems and opportunities. Innovative students are often characterized by their ability to think outside the box, to connect seemingly unrelated concepts, and to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. They thrive in environments that encourage experimentation, collaboration, and open-mindedness. These students not only excel academically but also make significant contributions to their communities and society as a whole. They are the inventors, entrepreneurs, and visionaries of the future, shaping the world with their fresh perspectives and groundbreaking concepts. Encouraging and nurturing innovation in students is key to fostering a dynamic and progressive society, where creativity and adaptability are highly prized traits.


Being an engaged student goes beyond just attending classes and completing assignments. It signifies a proactive and enthusiastic approach to learning and personal growth. Engaged students actively participate in their education, ask questions, and express their ideas. They are curious, eager to explore new subjects, and genuinely interested in the material they're studying. Engagement extends to being an active listener, collaborating with peers, and valuing diverse perspectives. Such students take ownership of their learning, setting goals and seeking out resources to achieve them. They understand that education is not just about receiving information but about critical thinking, problem-solving, and applying knowledge to real-world situations. Engaged students are more likely to succeed academically and develop valuable life skills. They not only absorb knowledge but also contribute to the learning process, creating a vibrant and interactive educational environment that benefits both themselves and their peers. Being an engaged student is a pathway to personal and academic growth, as it fosters a lifelong love for learning and a sense of empowerment in one's educational journey.


EMS says NO to use of Bad words. 

Let's be Polite.


Staying focused for the EMS academic year end.


Confidence buiLding in EMS


Acts of kindness can include something as simple as Opening a door for another person!


Personal Hygiene


Personal Hygiene Part 2


A short video on Happiness at EMS Primary


A short video on Being Assertive at EMS Primary


A short video on Empathy at EMS Primary


A short video on Identifying Your Feelings EMS Primary


A short video on Kindness at EMS Primary


A short video on Compassion at EMS Primary


A short video on Problem Solving at EMS Primary


A short video on celebrating Diversity and being Kind at EMS Primary


A short video on Mental Health Week at EMS Primary


A short video on Friendship at EMS Primary



A short PowerPoint Presentation on variety of wellness activities to choose from.



Improve Your Sleep Today: Make Sleep a Priority

Once you have a nightly goal based on the hours of sleep that you need, it’s time to start planning for how to make that a reality.

Start by making sleep a priority in your schedule. This means budgeting for the hours you need so that work or social activities don’t trade off with sleep. While cutting sleep short may be tempting in the moment, it doesn’t pay off because sleep is essential to being at your best both mentally and physically.

Improving your sleep hygiene, which includes your bedroom setting and sleep-related habits, is an established way to get better rest. Examples of sleep hygiene improvements include:


How do you get out of this miserable rut? One word: Routines.

Morning and evening routines prime you for success. They help you achieve more, think clearly, and do work that actually matters. They keep you from stumbling through your day and make sure you get the most important things done.

All it takes is a bit of discipline, along with routines that will set you up for success. Here are the what and why of routines, along with 12 morning and evening routines you can implement to create more perfect days.


Power Posing was first introduced by Amy Cuddy in 2010 when she suggested that standing in “high power” produces power by increasing testosterone and decreasing cortisol levels.  

While recent studies have been unable to reproduce these findings to that extent, they do suggest that power posing does in fact affect confidence and stress levels.  

Body posture influences our brains and our feelings.  According to science if you pose like super Hero, you’ll think like a Super Hero, and act like a Super Hero.  So, the next time you have a big presentation or a stressful event, take 2 minutes and stand like Super Hero!  



Importance of a Good Routine - Hamad Hospital Report 

“Although it is normal for some children to have worries, it is crucial to help them adjust to a routine. Avoidance of school and a bedtime routine will only increase and reinforce a child’s fears. It’s important for parents to help their children readjust to a school-time sleep-schedule, with scheduled time for meals, studying, and sleep,” says Dr. Al Yafei. 

Behaviour Management at Home 

Managing your child’s behaviour can be a sensitive subject. Everyone has different ideas and expectations about behaviour, different personalities and parenting styles, and – of course – all our children are different too. However, if you feel you may need some help managing your child’s behaviour, there is a wide range of ideas in this pack which suit most situations and may offer that little bit of variety or incentive to achieve changes in behaviour. Most of these ideas are used effectively by teachers in classrooms every day.

See PDF Link for more helpful information 

Anxious Students

Often a child can become anxious in a new setting or environment. This could be because of a range of triggers, new friends, new teachers, new emotions etc. In this article we have development 3 strategies in which we use with anxious kids of all ages to make them feel safe and comfortable in their environment so they can continue to achieve greatness! 

Statements to share with your kids.


There are a few things that are no control like the COVID-19.

There are a few things where you have some control like work schedule.

Then there are a few things with the most control like following instructions from your teachers.

We need to work on understanding the things we have in our control that helps us become better individuals and not blame ourselves in situation where you have no control.