
Week N – Stage 1

Welcome to Wednesday!

To complete today's activities, you will need:

a workbook

coloured pencils

a toy

a soccer ball, netball, or similar sized ball

2 field markers or shoes

Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends


Watch video
Listening task
Speaking activity

Let's get started!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! The list of categories is in the drop down below in case you need them.


Duration: 1:31


Scattergories categories:

  • an animal

  • something cold

  • a colour

  • a fruit or vegetable

  • something you would find in your bedroom

  • a country

  • a sport

  • something that is stinky

  • somebody famous

  • something you would find in the ocean.


You will need:


Clues for character

Watch video
Listening activity
Speaking activity

Let's write clues to describe a character!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Choose a familiar character from a text (movie or book).

  • Without naming the character, describe that character.

Focus on the character’s:

    • appearance (looks)

    • actions

    • behaviours.

Clues for character

Duration: 2:50

Sharing work

Share your work with your teacher. Your teacher or peers could try to guess the character using your clues.

Sight words

You will need:

Icon: Workbook
Icon: Pencils

Sight words: live, gave

Watch video
Speaking activity
Writing activity

We are learning to read and write words quickly. Let's practise some more!

Today we will learn the words:

  • live

  • gave.

You will need:

  • a pencil

  • your workbook.

Sight words: live, gave

Duration: 9:48

Brain break

Let's recharge!

Watch video
Hands-on activity

It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!

Use 'The Workout Alphabet' to:

  • spell the word Wednesday

  • spell the name of your favourite sport.

The Workout Alphabet

The Workout Alphabet

  • A = 5 push ups

  • B = 5 pilates roll ups

  • C = 5 tricep dips

  • D = 5 V sits

  • E = 6 squats

  • F = 7 mountain climbers

  • G = 7 lunges

  • H = 8 lateral jumps

  • I = 10 jumping jacks

  • J = 15 high knees

  • K = 15 second high plank

  • L = 10 second superman

  • M = 15 second warrior pose

  • N = 10 jumping jacks

  • O = 15 high knees

  • P = 5 push ups

  • Q = 5 pilates roll ups

  • R = 5 tricep dips

  • S = 5 V sits

  • T = 6 squats

  • U = 7 mountain climbers

  • V = 7 lunges

  • W = 8 lateral jumps

  • X = 10 jumping jacks

  • Y = 15 high knees

  • Z = 15 second high plank.

Check-in survey – Brain breaks


Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.

Word study

You will need:


Word study focus: suffix -y

Watch video
Speaking activity
Writing activity

Let's learn about the suffix -y and why and how we use it!

You will need:

  • a pencil

  • your workbook.

Word study focus: suffix -y

Duration: 13:15

Virtual excursion

The Sydney Opera House

Watch video
Listening activity

This week we are meeting all sorts of artists and professionals from the Sydney Opera House! Who will be in the lift today?

A percussionist!
Duration: 4:59

A lighting designer!
Duration: 3:28


You will need:

Soft toys

Left and right

watch video
Listening activity
Writing activity
Hands-on activity

Do you know the difference between left and right?

Let's practise our left and right!

You will need:

  • pencils

  • your workbook.

Making the letter 'L' with your hands

two hands with the pointer finger and thumb at right-angles. A capital L is shown matching the fingers on the left hand

A handy way to remember your left and right is that your left hand can look like a capital 'L' for left!

  • Make the letter 'L' with your pointer finger and thumb on your left hand.

  • Trace around your left hand and right hand on a piece of paper.
    Hint! Make sure you stretch out your thumb to make the letter'L'.

  • Label your left and right hands.

Example of tracing and labelling your left and right hands

Hands traced, and labelled as left and right.

Watch the video and join in.

You will need:

  • a clear and safe space to move.

The Cha Cha Slide dance
Duration: 3:39

Giving directions

Hands-on activity
Speaking activity
Writing activity

Let's practise giving directions! We are going to hide a toy and then give directions so a friend or family member can find it.

You will need:

  • a toy

  • a pencil

  • your workbook.

Example of a toy hiding

  • Hide your toy in a safe and easy to reach place.

  • Choose a starting point (e.g. the closest door).

  • Work out the directions.

  • Record the directions.

  • See if your friend or family member can follow your directions to find the toy!

Hint! Try to use the words left, right, full turn and half turn.

You can also use other words that describe direction such as forward, backward, between, above and below.

Example of directions

Example directions e.g. 'Start at door, take 4 steps forward, half turn to your left' etc.

Direction drawing

Writing activity
Speaking activity
Listening activity

Let's practise giving clear directions to help someone draw a picture!

You will need:

  • a pencil

  • your workbook.

If possible, complete this task with a friend or family member.

  • Draw a simple picture.

  • Describe the picture to your friend or family member.

Hint! Make sure you use descriptive directions.
For example "Draw the sun above the tree."

  • When you are done, reveal both drawings!

  • Compare the two pictures.

  • Swap roles and complete the challenge again.

Example drawing

Simple drawing of hillside: a tree, the sun, some flowers and a car driving past.

Example directions:

  • Start by drawing grass along the bottom of the page.

  • Draw a tall tree on the left of the page.

  • Draw a sun in the top left corner, above the tree.


You will need:


Actions to keep safe around water

Watch video
Listening activity
Writing activity

Let's explore how we can stay safe around water!

Watch the video and join in the activities.

You will need:

  • pencils

  • your workbook

  • a digital device (optional).

  • Where are some different places that we find water?

  • What can we do to keep safe around water?

Hint! There are some pictures, examples and more information to help you with the activity in the drop downs below.

Actions to keep safe around water
Duration: 8:04

Places where we find water

Places you could find water inside might include:

  • the bath

  • the sink

  • in a bucket.

Places you could find water outside might include:

  • a pool

  • a dam

  • a pond

  • the beach

  • a river.

Actions that keep us safe near water

Some examples of actions that could keep us safe when we are at the local pool, include:

  • asking permission from an adult before going swimming

  • making sure a trusted adult is swimming with me and watching me

  • walking around the pool

  • entering the pool safely

  • following the pool rules.

Some examples of actions that could keep us safe when we are around a river, include:

  • asking permission from an adult before going swimming

  • making sure a trusted adult is swimming with me and watching me

  • checking the depth of the water before entering

  • entering the water safely

  • following the safety signs (e.g. no diving).

Some examples of actions that could keep us safe when we are at the beach, include:

  • asking permission from an adult before going swimming

  • making sure a trusted adult is swimming with me and watching me

  • swimming between the red and yellow flags

  • following the instructions from the lifeguards

  • following the safety signs.


A picture of a pond. The pond is large and filled with water. There is green grass and trees around the pond. With a small white house next to the pond.


Looking through a window. There is a large pool which has deck chairs and a safety fence around it. There is a cubby house in the corner.


An image of a beach. Clean sand runs into crashing waves with white wash.

"Beach" by sabl3t3k is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Indoor Pool

Indoor swimming pool. With adults sitting on the edge of the pool playing with a blow-up ball. Children swimming in the pool. A lifeguard standing on the edge supervising
Writing activity

Your task:

  • Choose either the pool, river, dam or beach and design a poster that tells your classmates how they can stay safe when they are swimming there.

Hint! You might like to record this by drawing, writing or designing your poster on the iPad or computer.

  • It is important that we are always safe when we are around water.

PE Challenge

You will need:

Cones or markers

Foot skills and passing

Watch video
Listening activity
Hands-on activity

Let's practise our foot skills and passing!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • soccer ball, netball or similar sized ball

  • 2 field markers or shoes.

Foot skills and passing
Duration: 28:27

Environmental Education

You will need:


Snake story

Watch video
Writing activity

Let's learn about snakes and then write a story pretending that you are a snake!

Watch the video and join in the activities.

You will need:

  • pencils

  • your workbook.

  • Pretend you are a snake.

  • Write a story about a day in your life as a snake.

Include information about how you find:

    • food

    • water

    • shelter

    • heat.

Hint! Write in the first person as you are the snake!

  • Draw a picture of your snake character.

Snake story
Duration: 3:08

Sharing work

Share your work with your teacher.

Student voice


Show how you feel about your learning today.