
Week M Stage 3

Happy Monday!

To complete today's activities, you will need:

a workbook

coloured pencils

a dictionary

2 coins

a calendar

a few cushions or pillows

3 pairs of socks

a basket or bucket

a broom or mop

a device that plays music

art materials (e.g. paper, pencils, paint)

Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends

Let's move our body

Watch video
Listening activity

Let's get started!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Let's move our body

Duration: 2:49


You will need:   


Words, feelings, images and ideas!

Watch video
Listening activity
Writing activity

Let's explore words, feelings, pictures and ideas!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

Words, feelings, images and ideas!

Duration: 5:10

Sharing work

Share your work with your teacher.

Unknown words

Watch video
Writing activity

Let's explore a text from The School Magazine!

Read the story 'The Rainy Season' by Sue Gibbison from The School Magazine.

'The Rainy Season' by Sue Gibbison – The School Magazine

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

Unknown words

Duration: 1:38

Sharing work

Share your work with your teacher.

Favourite season

Watch video
Writing activity

Let's explore seasons!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

Favourite season

Duration: 1:49

Sharing work

Share your work with your teacher.

Brain break 

You will need:   


Let's recharge!

Watch video
Hands-on activity

It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

Australia's Coin Sports – Basketball
Duration: 0:59

Virtual excursion

The Royal Australian Mint

Watch video
Listening activity

Are you ready to go on a virtual excursion? This week we are visiting the Royal Australian Mint in Canberra, ACT!

The Mint is where all Australian coins are made.

Let's start at the entry, before learning about money and currency.

Image of Australian coins. Lined up left to right are a 5, 10, 20, and 50 cent piece, and a 1 and 2 dollar coin

Image by hddigital/

Welcome to the Royal Australian Mint!
Duration: 1:45

What is money?
Duration: 2:31


You will need:   


Late again!

Hands-on activity
Writing activity

Let's investigate 12 and 24 hour time!

Watch the video to learn about converting 12 and 24 time.

You will need:

Late again!
Duration: 2:47

Drawing a floor plan

Hands-on activity
Writing activity

Let's design a floor plan for a home!

Watch the video to learn about floor plans.

You will need:


Drawing a floor plan
Duration: 1:26

Writing activity

Your task:

Hint! Use the picture of the floor plan example for ideas of things to consider (e.g. the entrance, layout, rooms, windows, stairs).


Example of a floor plan

A floor plan of a house showing dimensions of rooms
Sharing work

Share your work with your teacher.

For those who like a challenge!

Hands-on activity

Hint! You might use a scale (e.g. 1cm represents 1m).

Get active!

You will need: 


Swimming at home

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Let's practise our freestyle stroke and learn about swim rescues!

Watch the video and join in the activities.

You will need:

Swimming at home – Life Saving Victoria
Duration: 23:44

Creative Arts 

You will need: 

a device that plays music

Movement of life

Watch video
Listening activity
Speaking activity
Hands-on activity

Get ready to sing and dance!

Watch the video and join in the activities.

You will need:

Hint! There are more videos below to help you with imagining you are inside a giant bubble and improvising instruments.

Movement of life
Duration: 8:38

'Movement of life' – movement

Watch video
Listening activity
Hands-on activity

Let's move!

Hint! Watch the videos below to assist you with imagining your bubble and improvising instruments.

'Movement of life'
Duration: 4:30


Imagine that you are inside a giant bubble
Duration: 2:33

Use non-locomotor (on the spot) movement to complete this bubble task by focussing on a different body part to touch the inside of the bubble. 

Instrument improv
Duration: 2:34

In ‘Movement of life’ there are several instruments that are featured. They include the piano, the marimba and some stringed instruments you might hear in an orchestra. 



Orchestral string group

Instruments including Cello, Violin and Viola

'Movement of life' – artwork

Writing activity
Listening activity
Hands-on activity

Let's create!

Hint! Use whatever medium you want e.g. pencils, paints or materials to make a 3D sculpture. 

'Elegy for the Arctic'
Duration: 3:13

Sharing work

Share your work with your teacher.

For those who like a challenge!

Writing activity
Hands-on activity

Check-in survey – Creative Arts


Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.

Student voice


Show how you feel about your learning today.