
Week M Stage 2

Hi there!

To complete today's activities, you will need:

a workbook

coloured pencils

2 coins

Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends

Get set for the day

Watch video
Listening activity

Let's get started!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Get set for the day
Duration: 1:33


You will need:   


Samoan beach huts

Watch video
Listening activity
Speaking activity

Let's describe Samoan beach huts!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Think about what you can see, including:

Think about what you could smell and hear. 

Samoan beach huts
Duration: 1:54

Sharing work

Share your work with your teacher.

Positive and negative feelings

Watch video
Listening activity
Writing activity

Yesterday we read the story 'The Rainy Season'. Let's explore this text some more!

Read the story 'The Rainy Season' by Sue Gibbison from The School Magazine.

'The Rainy Season' by Sue Gibbison – The School Magazine

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

Record some of the positive images of the rainy season that she tells Malia. 

Record the negative images of the rainy season that she remembers. 

Positive and negative feelings

Duration: 2:27

Sharing work

Share your work with your teacher.

Sensory writing

Watch video
Listening activity
Writing activity

'The Rainy Season' uses sensory writing to help readers who have never experienced the rainy season in Samoa to understand what it's like. Let's learn more about this!

Watch the video and join in the activities.

You will need:

Sensory writing

Duration: 2:27

Brain break 

You will need:   


Let's recharge!

Watch video
Listening activity
Hands-on activity

It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

Australia's Coin Sports – Rugby
Duration: 0:59

Virtual excursion

The Royal Australian Mint

Watch video
Listening activity

Are you ready to go on a virtual excursion? This week we are visiting the Royal Australian Mint in Canberra!

Today we are going to explore different coins and currency! We will also have a look at the first Australian coins.

Image by hddigital/Shutterstock.com

Solving the coin shortage
Duration: 2:37

Making our own
Duration: 3:18


You will need:   


Symmetry investigation

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Let's investigate car logos and symmetrical designs!

You will need:

Hands-on activity
Writing activity


Hands-on activity
Writing activity


Sharing work

Share your work with your teacher.

Heads or tails?

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Let's explore chance with a coin flipping experiment!

Watch the video.

You will need:

Heads or tails?
Duration: 4:37

Hands-on activity
Writing activity


You will need:   


First Contacts – The journeys of the HMB Endeavour and Lieutenant James Cook

Watch video
Listening activity
Writing activity

Let's learn about the voyage of Captain James Cook and the crew of the HMB Endeavour!

Fun fact! The acronym 'HMB' stands for 'His Majesty's Bark'. The word 'bark' is a nautical or sailing term that is used to describe a ship which has three or more masts.

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

Hint! You can stop the video at any time and go back and listen to answer the questions. The questions are also below if you need them.

First Contacts – The journeys of the HMB Endeavour and Lieutenant James Cook
Duration: 10:09

Questions from the video

By the 18th Century, _________________ had been mapping the globe for centuries, claiming ______________ and resources as their own.

Australia was known to Europeans at the time as New ____________. 

Sharing work

Share your work with your teacher.

For those who like a challenge!

Watch video

The year 2020 marked the 250th anniversary of the landing of the HMB Endeavour at Kamay Botany Bay in April 1770.

Watch the video below about the lasting impacts of the Endeavour’s arrival on Australia’s First Peoples.

Indigenous Perspectives of Cook's Visit (BTN)
Duration: 5:01

Watch the video below to take a tour of the replica of the HMB Endeavour.

HMB Endeavour Replica Ship Tour (BTN)
Duration: 3:03

Check-in survey – History


Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.

Student voice


Show how you feel about your learning today.