Spot the signs

School staff are well placed to spot the early signs if a young person is struggling. If you are worried about a pupil in school there are a number of ways you can encourage them to seek support.

Talking to a young person about mental health

There are often signs when someone is experiencing mental health difficulties. These can be obvious or may more subtle. Below are some examples of what to look out for:

Some of the ways people might act differently are:

  • seeming distant, or not themselves

  • not meeting up or responding to messages as much as normal

  • spending more time on their own

  • not chatting, smiling or laughing as much

  • showing lower self-esteem

  • talking about feelings that worry you, or saying 'I can't do it any more'

  • not doing things they normally like

  • crying or shouting

  • smoking, drinking, or using drugs when they didn't before.

Some of the physical changes you might notice in people are:

  • not dressing like they used to

  • gaining or losing weight

  • eating too much or too little

  • can't concentrate

  • looking tired

  • not washing or taking care of themselves

  • hurting themselves on purpose.

Mind UK, 2017