Single Point of Access

What is the Single Point of Access (SPA)?

This service is provided by East Lothian Council, in conjunction with partnership agencies. There is now one process for accessing the following supports through the Single Point of Access:

·         Mental Health and Wellbeing Service

·         Neurodevelopmental Pathway

·         Early Years Response Team

Making a Request for Assistance from the Single Point of Access

Children and Young People access the Single Point of Access by way of a Request for Assistance form (RfA) which is embedded below. 

We are encouraging schools to take the lead in making Requests for Assistance, however young people, parents, GPs and Health Visitors are welcome to submit a request provided all correct information is included.  The above grid shows what is required for the 3 different services above.

Please note that signed consent is required from the young person, parent or carer. Young people aged 12 years and over can consent themselves but wherever possible it is generally beneficial for their family to be involved and aware of the referral. Where appropriate, consent can be given verbally as long as this is recorded by whom and dated on the Request for Assistance form.

Completed RfA's should be sent to

SPA Request for Assistance form for MHWB ND EYRT Sept 22.docx
Parent ND Additional Information.pdf

Parent ND Additional Information Form

We sometimes find that we do not have enough information from parents about their views/ concerns and that there is not enough information about the presentation at home.

For this reason, we are introducing an optional 'Parent ND Additional Information ’ form to be included with the RfA. This consists of questions that parents can complete independently and should be submitted along with the RfA form. 

All parents should be given the opportunity to fill this out so their views can be heard.

Where to refer - SPA or CAMHS?

In most situations we would expect that supports via the Single Point of Access should be put into place in the first instance. However, there are some situations where a referral direct to CAMHS will be appropriate. The Single Point of Access is not an emergency or urgent response service and the mailboxes are not checked on a daily basis. Please DO NOT send requests for assistance to the Single Point of Access where there are concerns that a child or young person may be at immediate risk.

A referral should be submitted directly to CAMHS for concerns involving:

Only requests for neurodevelopmental assessment should be made through the SPA.  All other requests to Community Child Health, CAMHS, Speech and Language Therapy or Occupational Therapy should be made through the usual routes.

CAMHS referrals should be made using the same Request for Assistance form as the Single Point of Access. This is helpful because, should the decision from CAMHS be that support through the SPA is more appropriate, it can be passed directly over, without having to come back to you to do this. It may also be the case that in addition to CAMHS support, a service through SPA is also appropriate.

Young People and Families can access information about CAMHS via their website:

Child and Adolescent Mental Heath Service (CAMHS) 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Team

The service aims to provide an additional level of support for children and young people who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health and wellbeing, where their needs cannot be met through universal supports. The Single Point of Access (SPA) is the system by which children and young people are matched with the most appropriate service for them. Services that can be accessed this way include: school counselling, therapeutic interventions for anxiety and low mood, creative therapies, occupational therapy, support from a mental health youth worker and access to a range of third sector supports. 

The need for additional support should have been identified through the Child’s Planning Process. The Mental Health and Wellbeing Team comprises a Coordinator, Mental Health Youth Workers and an Occupational Therapist.

An RfA to the Single Point of Access can be submitted for mental health concerns involving:

What to include in your referral:

When making a referral please ensure that you include the information below. This will allow the team to determine the most suitable course of action, in as timely a manner as possible. 

Making contact

Completed RfA's should be sent to If you would like to discuss a potential RfA, please contact the Mental Health Youth Worker for your area.

Tranent: Gemma Burns (

Prestonpans: Danni Spencer (

Dunbar:  Joy Burton (

North Berwick: Martin Lahiffe (

Musselburgh:  Emma Locke ( & Carla Byrne (

Haddington: Michael Cleary(

Team Coordinator: John Watters-Marr (

Neurodevelopmental Assessment Pathway

What is it?

In East Lothian, we are piloting a Test of Change where there is a new process for identifying Neurodevelopmental Conditions such as; Autism, ADHD, Learning/ Intellectual Disability, Developmental Coordination Disorder, FASD, Tic Disorder and Developmental Language Disorder.  All referrals for these Neurodevelopmental Conditions now need to come through the Single Point of Access.  The documents below are aimed to support the process.

Education staff should follow these links: 

ND Flowchart for CYP in an Educational Placement April 24.pdf

Pre-School SPA Flowchart 

ND Flowchart for CYP in an Educational Placement April 24.pdf

School Age SPA Flowchart

Dimensions Tool & CAIDS-Q Guidance.pdf

Dimensions & CAIDS-Q Guidance

Education Section of ND Flowchart 

SPA overview flowchart April 24 .pdf
Understanding my brain and how it is developing v0.2 (002) - Final Approved.docx

Understanding My Brain

Neurodevelopmental Assessment Pathway PIL v0.2 - Final Approved.docx

Information Leaflet for Parents and Carers

ND Pathway Self Help E-Book

For a quick and easy, step by step guide to using the new Neurodevelopmental Pathway please click the link to the right. This guide explains the process, including the various pieces of information and additional documents which are required in order to progress an ND Request for Assistance. 

NHS Staff  ->

NHS logo with hyperlink to NHS website

Early Years Response Team

The East Lothian Early Years Response Team (EYRT) is a multi-agency network designed to offer relevant and timely support for children with an identified need before they start school. Children who access this service will be deemed to have significant and complex additional support needs affecting their development. Recommended support will be identified using a staged intervention framework, in order to meet specific needs at the right time. Referrals for this service should be made through the Single Point of Access (SPA).



The EYRT panel has active representation from:



With wider support links with the Community Learning Disabilities Nursing team (CLDN), Community Child Health (CCH), Early Years - Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (EY CAMHS) and the Educational Psychology Service (EPS).



The EYRT panel will review Requests for Assistance approximately every two months, and make recommendations for accessing the most appropriate intervention from the range of services available for that child at that time e.g. home play sessions, parenting programmes, support transitioning to an Early Learning & Childcare setting etc. The Early Years Response Team is the main referral pathway to access Education’s 0 – 3 Outreach Service including ‘Kidz Play’ (formerly KidZone).


Requests for Assistance forms are available above and should be submitted to

Who is present at the SPA?

The group is chaired by the Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator and comprises representatives from CAMHS, Social Work, Mental Health Youth Workers (MHYW), MYPAS Counselling Service, representatives from the Neurodevelopmental Pathway team and Early Years Response team. The MHYWs present each child or young person from their area.