MHYW Support

What do the Mental Health Youth Work team do?

The Mental Health Youth Workers (MHYW) are a new team to East Lothian. The team aim to raise awareness and understanding of mental health and wellbeing. A MHYW coordinates, and signposts pupils to both universal and targeted support, as well as delivering targeted interventions to pupils requiring additional support.

Meet the Team...

Each MHYW links with an East Lothian cluster. Read more about them by clicking on the cluster areas below:


Hello, I'm

 Gemma Burns

You can contact me at: 

I'm the Mental Health Youth Worker for the Tranent cluster.  When I left school I began volunteering with a peer education project.  This helped me realise how much I enjoy working with young people and since then I have worked in lots of different youth work roles.  Working in a range of places with lots of different young people showed me my passion for creating safe spaces where young people can talk about their experiences and feelings (in groups or in 1:1); to learn more about themselves and find ways that work for them to help them cope when things are difficult.

Favourite Quote

“Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.” 

Maya Angelou


Time Control!


 My name is Joy Burton and I'm the Mental health youth Worker for the Dunbar Cluster. After studying Psychology I worked in a wide range of jobs and took time out to travel later in life and realised the most important thing you can possess, no matter your age or job, is good mental health. I love the outdoors and nature to support my own mental health and really want to help young people explore and find ways to improve theirs. 

Favourite quote: Life is too short to spend another day at war with yourself.

( Ritu Ghatourey)

Super power I'd most like : Invisibility so I could be nosy and to be able to fly.  


Michael Cleary

Hey! I'm Michael & I'm your Mental Health Youth Worker for the Haddington cluster. I am an East Lothian native, having gone to school at North Berwick.  My experience with mental health support is centred in sociology and psychotherapy, having practice in counselling with both with adults and young people during my postgraduate course. From this experience I have grown to love working 1:1 , having cathartic conversations in a safe space and recently running support groups. If you see me in Haddington, don't hesitate to come say hi.

I collect loads of quotes!  some of my favorites are:

We tell ourselves stories in order to live - Joan Didion 

It's impossible to imagine a colour you haven't seen - Neil Hillborn 

Peace to every crease on your brain - Earl Sweatshirt


Flying would be a load of fun, controlling fire would make camping a lot easier-- but I'm going to have to say time control. 

Where to find me?
I work out of several rooms in Knox High school, primarily by the lockers at the front entrance or around the base. However, feel free to contact me over email if you can't find me

I may already be meeting somebody so please do not disturb the room if there is a sign telling you not to.

Otherwise, please stop in for a chat or just to say hi! 


Hi! I'm Emma Locke

I'm one of the Mental Health Youth Workers for Musselburgh

I am from Musselburgh and went to the Grammar myself.  I have supported young people with their wellbeing for over 10 years in different settings including  schools and outdoor wellbeing programmes. I love hearing about other people's experience of life, helping explore their strengths and ways to cope with challenges. I love the outdoors and think getting out in nature helps us get perspective, feel connected and understand our place in the world. It's  fundamental to our well-being.

Favourite Quote

" There is a crack a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."  

 Leonard Cohen

Super Power

To stop time: It would give me time to do all the things I want to in a day like sleep and get outside and I'd never be late again - hooray!

You'll find the Wellbeing Room next to the S1 playground. Pop in and say 'Hi' . If there is a sign saying BUSY please come another time. I am probably with another pupil.


Hi! I'm Carla Byrne!

I’ve been working with children and young people for over 20 years, in Youth Work, and it’s a role I feel privileged to be able to do: There is nothing better than watching young people grow and develop in confidence.  I’ve a background in behavioural science, community education and counselling. In my spare time I enjoy good company, music, tasty food, and the outdoors.

I work across Rosehill High School,  and Pinkie and Wallyford Primary.

Favourite Quote: “Human rights are inscribed in the hearts of people; they were there long before lawmakers drafted their first proclamation.”

Mary Robinson (Ireland)

If could have any superpower it would be: Shapeshifting so I could experience life from differing perspectives…

You can contact me at:


To be able to help others you must first help yourself

Name: Martin Lahiffe.

Bio: I come from the West of Ireland and have been a youth worker for over 35 years. I have worked in several countries and in varying roles.

I have been a mental health youth worker in the North Berwick cluster since January 2017. I am based in North Berwick High School and this includes the Primary schools in Aberlady, Athelstaneford, Dirleton, Gullane and North Berwick.

Contact details:

MHYW room in North Berwick High School

more support in North Berwick area

MYPAS are offering digital drop-ins, LGBTQ+ and Drug and Alcohol Support for young people in East Lothian. 

Star youth club

Weekly online meetings started with the Star Youth club from the middle of May 2020 with members keeping in touch following requests from parents.  Feedback from parents say this is the highlight of their child’s week and they wish the club could do something every night of the week.


At least 3 members of staff are part of the online discussion with the young people which last for approx.45 minutes. Staff use the time before and after the meeting to discuss anything that crops up. 10 – 11 youth club members and 5 volunteers and staff participating in each session.


The staff and volunteers have been setting weekly challenges for the young people run in a similar fashion to Show and Tell. The programme of challenges has included baking, creating a picture and making Rainbow slime.


North Berwick HS


Hockey Girls S1, S2, S3, S4/5/6

Hockey Boys – S1 to S6

Primary Cluster Weekly Blocks

Football x 3 sessions




P1-P7: Saturday 09:00-10:30


Girls u/12 & u/14 teams Saturday 9am-10am


S1- u/15 all teams Tues & Thurs 16:00-17:00


u/16 & u/18- 19:00-20:00


S1-u/18- S&C sessions 17;00-18:00.


North Berwick Youth Theatre and Youth Dance groups

 5 – 18 years groups now moving online.


North Berwick Youth Project

NB Outdoor groups 2 staff 3 times per week 12-14 yp

NB Zap Group (ASN) 2 staff once per week 6-8 yp

NB John Muir Award group with NBHS 2 staff 4 yp

NB Wellbeing Walks 1 staff offered 1:1 (12yp)

NB Eco Group 2 staff tbc



Hello!! My name is Danni Spencer...

…I'm the Mental Health Youth Worker for Prestonpans

I have worked with young people in the community since I was 15! And more recently starting working with young people around mental health and wellbeing in school settings. After studying Psychology at university, I became interested in why people think, feel and behave in different ways. I find it so interesting to listen and learn about other people's lives and help in anyway I can!


You can contact me at;


My Favourite Quote:

Keep Going, Keep Growing.

If I could have a Superpower:  

If I could pick a superpower I would choose to teleport. Then I could easily visit lots of amazing places and avoid travelling in the wet Scottish weather!

Where can you find me?

I will be based in the Integration room at Preston Lodge High School. 

(Found in the Maths corridor)

If you are looking for me while I am unavailable, please send me an email and  I will get back to you as soon as I can.














Sometimes I will be meeting people, please don't disturb when this sign is up with the door closed.


If my door is open, you are welcome to pop in and say hello!