For Under 12s

Feelings and COVID-19

How do you feel when you hear the word "Coronavirus"?

It might be a whole mix of things - worry, interested, relaxed, or happy to have some more time at home! Sometimes our feelings can make things difficult and they can impact our day to day lives.

This workbook can help you to manage those feelings....

Activities to do during COVID-19

This list is full of awesome things you can do with your parents, carers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, or even all by yourself!

Click on the title above or the picture of Dina the dinosaur to read them.

Washing hands properly has never been more important here are some handy resources to remind children how to wash their hands thoroughly

9 Steps to Clean Hands Fill in the Blanks

Use this "fill in the blanks" activity to help the kids learn - and remember - this thorough and effective way to wash their hands.

9 Steps to Clean Hands Poster

This useful poster shows 9 steps to take to make sure that hands are really clean. Soap and water is more effective against germs than alcohol gels or washes, but only if you are thorough and pay attention when washing.