Topic 5 : Writing a Research Proposal

The importance of a research proposal

The research proposal is an operational plan in research that needed to be written before doing research. It is a way of operating research for the researcher and the people involve such as a teacher or supporting ideas in order to give some advice and follow up on the progress throughout the research. If we want to build a house, we have to have a plan or blueprint to give the details in building every step and to use it as an instrument to control everything that involves in building the house. The research proposal is similar to a house plan or blueprint. It is a direction in operating research that provides the purpose of the research plan.

Elements of Research Proposal

Research proposal consists of the following topics:

However, writing a research proposal may be different from the 14 items above depending on the limitation of each institution, sources of capital or the need of supporter. The items above may change depending on the type of research.

Simple Technique in Writing Research Proposal

As a beginner, an individual may try to write a simple proposal, the items may be different from the 14 items above but it should cover the research title. Background and significance, objectives of the research, operation calendar, and advantage of the research are expected. Easy techniques that are used to write the research proposal consist of the following items and explanations:

4.1. The sample: things that needed to be studied and the amount of data.

4.2. The method in collecting data is to specify the method of collecting data, time or period, and places.

4.3. Research instruments specify the type of instruments that are used in collecting data such as questionnaires, interview forms, and investigative forms.

4.4. Analyzing data specifies the method in analyzing data and statistics that are taken for usage.

Example of writing Simple Research Proposal

This example originates from researcher who wants answer on how nonformal students studied by themselves because most teaching and learning in non-formal education learners are assigned to study on their own. Write the simple research proposal as follow:

1. Research proposal title “The Study of Self-Learning of Students in Non- Formal Education at Upper Secondary School in Wat Jang Community Learning Central”.

2. Background and significance

Because most of the students in non-formal education at Upper Secondary School in Wat Jang Community Learning Centre are working adults, most have careers and activities to do so they have limitations on time, and cannot see the group often, that is why the institution organize students to see their groups on Saturday and Sunday in order to have learners see the teacher, friends, search for data and exchange knowledge among them. 

As the teacher assigns students to study and search data themselves, this will make most learners become interested in the method and learn how to study on their own and find the problems.

The things that can be seen from the research expectations that it will make the teacher and institute take them to become data in developing and supporting learners to study themselves.

3. Objectives of the Research

3.1. To Provide basic data of students in non-formal education at Upper Secondary School in Wat Jang Community Learning Centre.

3.2. To observe the method of studying on their own in non-formal education at Upper Secondary School in Wat Jang Community Learning Centre.

3.4. To provide suggestions on how to study on their own in non-formal education at Upper Secondary School in Wat Jang Community Learning Centre.

4. Method in Operation Research

4.1. The population of students in non-formal education at Upper Secondary School for the year 2553 in Wat Jang Community Learning Centre is 220 people.

4.2. Sample is taken randomly from students in non-formal educat ion in Upper Secondary School year 2553 in Wat Jang Community Learning Centre 50 people.

4.3. Research instruments use questionnaires that are divided into 4 parts: They are basic data of students, study method, problem and suggestions.

4.4. Collecting data method for the questionnaire is done by them in December 2553.

4.5. Analyzing data using frequency, percentage and mean.

5. Operation Calendar

6. Expected Advantage

6.1. Teachers use this as the way to apply teaching and learning in order to help and support the independence study of students.

6.2. Institutions use this as the way in regulating to promote and support the independence study of students.