Topic 4 : The factors that enable Self-directed learning to succeed

Self-directed learning readiness (SDLR) is very important and necessary for those who are interested, and love to do self-directed learning. The learners’ feelings and opinions can easily be measured on their own. The people’s abilities to complete the self-directed learning need to have their learning readiness as follows:

1. The opportunities to learn are as follows: being interested in learning more than others, satisfied with an individual’s initiation, feeling a love of learning, having an expectation to learn continually, attracted by knowledge resources, being patient to find answers for the questions, having abilities to accept criticism, to take advantage of it, to use intelligence, and to take responsibility for their own learning.

2. The self-concepts of being an effective learner are as follows: being self-confident in self-directed learning, having abilities to arrange time for their own learning, having self-discipline and having knowledge and learning resources that are necessary for learning, and having opinions that they are a kind of people who are curious to learn.

3. The initiation and self-directed learning include the ability to track more difficulties fluently, always desiring to learn, participating in the learning processes, having confidence to work independently, feeling like learning, being satisfied with reading skills and understanding. having knowledge about the different sources of knowledge, having ability to plan their own work, and having the initiation to start a new project.

4. Responsibility toward own learning includes having the selfperceived wisdom of moderate or higher level, willing to study hard within their boundary of interest, being self-confident to find out what the weak points are in their learning, desiring to have a role in self-directed learning experience, taking responsibility for their own learning, and having the ability to judge their progresses in their learning.

5. Love of learning includes an appreciation of learning new things, ambitions to learn, and enjoying the investigation of the truth.

6. Creativity includes ideas to do things better, ability to develop a new and strange way to solve problems.

7. The optimistic looks of the future include an understanding of themselves as people with learning throughout life, enjoying the thoughts of future, and tending to look at every problem as a challenge, not a signal to stop an action.

8. The abilities to apply their learning and problem-solving skills. This means that they have abilities to use basic learning skills, including reading, writing, listening and memory skills to solve problems.