Topic 3 : Simple statistic for research

In general, statistics that use in research are frequency, percentage, and mean as explained as the following:

1. Frequency

Frequency is a distribution to count in the things that we want to study such as the number of learners in class, the number of things, and the number of people that go for election.

The method to find frequency can be done by distributing the number of things that we want to study. Look at the example below. By looking at the set of the following number, which numbers have the most frequency?

The answer is 10 because distribute frequency for 4, the second is number 18 that distribute frequency for 3, number 15 frequency is 2 and number 13 has the least frequency

2. Percentage

Percentage in statistics is the most commonly used in research because it is easy to understand and use calculation. The following is the formula in calculating percentage.

Percentage = the number that want to camber x 100


The method in calculating the percentage:

Example: A village has the total amount of population of 50 people. The number of females is 20 and male is 30. What are the percentages of male and female in the village?

Female 20  x 100    = percentage 40 or 40%


Male 30 x 100 = percentage 60 or 60%


Note: Calculating in percentage will always equal 100 when adding except when it has decimal and rounding.

3. Mean

Mean is central value of data, can be calculated by taking the whole value of data to add and then divide by the number of data that exists. Look at the formula as follow;

Mean   =             Total of all data            

    The number of data that exist

Example: A family includes a father 58 years of age, mother 42 years of age, three children age at 12, 10 and 5 years in order. If we want to know the mean of the age of people in this family, we can calculate using the following formula:

The age average of people in family   = Age of father + age of mother + the total age of 3 children

the amount of people in family


=   58+ 42 + 12+ 10 + 5


  = 24.5

  The age average of people in these family = 25.40 years