Y7 Example Timetable 


At D.C.H.S. we have a two week time-table - Week A and Week B.

Each lesson on the timetable contains information about the subject, room number and classroom teacher.

What lesson would the student have Period 3 on Wednesday during Week A on the above timetable?

Yes! You are right - it is French!

The information in the box for Period 4 on Tuesday during Week A is:

French - this is the subject

7g/FRE/AMH - this tells you you are in band 7g (3 or 4 registration groups will be in the same 'band'  and will mix together for some lessons)

7g/FRE/AMH - this is the subject code, FRE is the code for French

7g/FRE/AMH - this tells you what group you are in, many lessons will be with your registration group. In this example the registration group is 7AMH (Mr Hall) so most lessons are grouped as AMH. Lessons like Maths, Technology and PE are grouped differently and mixed with other classes in your 'band'.

Mrs Sofi Dixon - this tells you who the teacher is

E6 - this tells you that the classroom is on E-corridor and is room 6 on this corridor

The classrooms are numbered in school to help you find them and the corridors have their very own colour so it easy to find classrooms.

I wonder if you can work out what the codes are for the subjects?

I wonder if you can find the rooms on the floor plans in the Student Zone?

The codes for the subjects in September 2024 are:

Your tutor will go through your time-table with you in the coming weeks and you get your own copy, which you can keep in your planner. You can also access it online at any stage during your time at D.C.H.S

Happy exploring!