
Attendance Information


Better late than never, but better never late!

Our school day begins at 8:50 a.m.

If a child comes to school every day at 9:05 a.m. they have missed 75 minutes of school education in a week which would add up to 7.5 hours each half term.

IN ALL CASES OF ABSENCE parents should please:


We have a target of 96% attendance for all students.

You can help your child achieve this by:

We aim to support families by:


Wherever possible, school would like to encourage parents to take their children on a family holiday during the 13 weeks of school holidays each year. It is vital for children to be at school every day to maximise learning.

We understand the importance of families being together for their annual holiday – and the benefits this brings for the children. We also understand the difficulties some families have in taking their family holiday out of term time and would encourage parents to discuss these issues with us.

Government guidelines state that Headteachers can only grant leave of absence in exceptional circumstances but not normally for family holidays.

School will be unable to authorise leave of absence for family holidays during term time.

If you do take your children out of school, it is very important for families to formally let us know where children are.

If you need to discuss any matters during the school year regarding your child's attendance you can contact the Schools Attendance Support Officer Ms Steele at