
Preparing for the school day 

You can help your child be suitably prepared for the day by: 

1. Ensuring that bags are packed from the night before with all the equipment needed for each lesson every day (including student planner, exercise books, reading book, homework, text books, P.E. kit, a fully equipped pencil case). The student planner can be used to check their timetable for each day. 

2. If you have a Chromebook through the school program, this should be brought to school each day. 

3. Check in each evening with your child to see which homework is due and whether it has been done.

Items for the pencil case: 

• Pens (blue, black, red and green ink)

• Pencils

• Sharpener 

• Ruler 

• Erasers 

• Glue stick 

• Colouring pencils

• A calculator  (recommended Casio fx-83GT)

• Maths equipment 

Please check that items in the pencil case are replaced as and when necessary.