Qestions & Answers

What if...........

I am worried - who do I go to?

You can talk to your tutor, classroom teacher, a peer mentor, a pastoral mentor, head of year or assistant head of year. All adults in school are more than happy to help with anything that may be concerning you.

I find the work too difficult?

Speak to your subject teacher, they will be happy to help you. 

I have lost something?

Retrace your steps and see if you have left it somewhere. If not found, report it to Reception or your form tutor.  Ask at Reception to see if it has been handed in to lost property.

I can't understand or can't do my homework?

Speak to your teacher BEFORE your next lesson.

I forget my books or equipment?

Speak to your teacher at the start of your lesson.  

I have forgotten my P.E. Kit?

You will be given spare kit to take part in the lesson

I get something confiscated?

Collect anything you may have had removed from reception at the end of the day.

I don't feel well?

Tell the teacher. They may send you to reception who will place you in the medical room and may contact home for you to be collected.  This will depend on your symptoms.

I get lost?

Ask a member of staff or a 6th former to direct you to where you need to be.

I am being bullied?

Tell someone - your form tutor, a teacher, a peer mentor, a pastoral mentor, head of year, assistant head of year, parent or carer.

I forget or lose my dinner money on the day?

We operate a lunch account that can be topped up online. If anyone forgets to do this, don't worry, you will still be able to get lunch. Speak to the catering staff in either the dining hall or atrium, they will help you.

What is the positive management behaviour system in school? 

We operate a positive behaviour management policy and aim to promote good attitudes to learning. We reward these positive behaviours by: recognising achievements, praising individuals, awarding achievements in lessons, nominating students for success assemblies and giving postcards to those exceeding expectations. 

We also have a behaviour system:

What happens? 

The class teacher will have a quiet conversation with the student and their name will be placed on the whiteboard and behaviour monitored that lesson. 

What happens? 

Students may be asked to step outside the classroom and the teacher will discuss reasons for removal. The student will be given targets for returning into the class. This will be evented as low level disruption on the school system. This information can be accessed from home through the My Child at School App. 

What happens? 

The student will be asked to work in another classroom. This will be evented as a significant disruption on the school system. This information can be accessed at home through the My Child at School App.

Finally, we also have a support system for teachers who request that a student is removed from the lesson. If this happens then parents will be contacted and the student will go onto report to that teacher for two lessons, it will also be evented on the school system. 

We know that you have more questions and your teachers have been sending them to us...keep your eye out for more questions and answers coming soon...