Top Tips 

1. Building confidence and making friends

2. Smile

Smiling makes you more approachable. Smile and others will smile with you!

3. Be honest

Don’t exaggerate or make up cool things about yourself. It won’t be so cool when the truth comes out.

4. Talk to the person sitting next to you

Saying ‘hi’ may be all it takes to start a friendship!

5. Research

Find out about the school – look at our website, or you could try talking to older students.

6. Take time getting used to the school

You’ll get to know where everything is so don’t rush!

7. Join in with something!

Join a team, a club or an activity. People who share the same interests as you are likely to be your kind of people.

8. Be organised

Make sure you have the correct uniform, school shoes, school shoes and uniform (and a bag big enough to fit everything in.)

9. Be polite and respectful to staff

First impressions count.

10. New place = new opportunity

A new school is a possible chance to start over!