Young Carers

Young Carers are young people and children who provide care and support to a family member due to illness, disability or long terms health condition. This could be a parent, sister, brother or other close family member.

You might do extra jobs around the house like cooking, cleaning, dressing or it might be more physical support. 

There are organisations out there who can give extra support for you both emotionally and financially. It might be- 

Find out more about the support in the Highlands through the link below or your Guidance Teacher.  

Who cares 

If you’re a Care Experienced person and you need someone to talk to, we can be contacted by phoning 0330 107 7540 or emailing 

The Helpline is open Monday- Friday, 12pm-4pm. 

young scot

Find out how to apply for the Young Carers Package, Carer's Allowance and the Young Carers Grant. Hear stories from other young people on their experience of being a carer and get loads of info on caring for someone. 


Connecting Young Carers - Information.pdf
Am I a Carer Poster.pdf
Who are Connecting Carers.pdf
Who Cares Scotland - Helpline, Brochure.pdf
Looking after yourself YC.pdf
Who Cares Scotland - Helpline, Poster.pdf

Mr McKnight has regular meetings during the school day and Support Workers are often in the building. More information can be found through your PSE Google Classroom or in the morning notices. Please speak to your Guidance Teacher if you would like more details.