Self Care

Taking time and steps to look after yourself and your mind is really important. Often self care and lifestyle changes can help improve how we feel and think. 

Check out the resources and NHS website below to find out ways you can look after yourselves. 

It's important to remember that self care strategies are not a substitute for talking about your worries and sometimes we will all need outside help and professional advice. Getting help is always good and this can happen in lots of different ways. 


Childline toolbox 

However you're feeling, it can be great to express yourself and do things you enjoy. And that's where we come in. Take your mind off things with games, advice from our videos or find new ways to handle your emotions. And all in your handy toolbox.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, try some of our calming activities to help let go of your worries. 

Try the Calm Zone  or the Toolbox. 



Mindful Gnats

An app to help young people develop mindfulness and relaxation skills. 


Free web and app programme for 13+ to help develop personal resilience. 

MOODJUICE - Being Assertive - Self-help Guide.pdf
MOODJUICE - Stress - Self-help Guide.pdf
problem-solving-pdf-for-upload (2).pdf