
 It can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming thinking about choosing subjects for the right career path. There are lots people and resources out there to help you make decisions. Remember to talk to your parents / carers, Guidance Teacher, Careers Advisor or use Skills Development Scotland Website. 

Please also make use of this dedicated link which is regularly updated with information by Mr McKnight:

In Scotland, you are eligible to leave school in winter or summer depending on when your 16th birthday falls.

If you’re unsure about whether leaving school at 16 is the best option for you, speak to your Guidance Teacher, Careers Advisor or Youth Worker to help you decide what is best!

Find out more information on summer leavers, winter leavers etc. click the link below. 

Hi-hope is an online resource giving lots of information on what's out there for young people leaving school in the Highlands

Have a look at the Work Placement section and check out the wide range of employers who could help you develop skills and explore jobs you might be interested in before you leave school. 

Register and link with your Guidance Teacher.

Modern Apprenticeships 

With a Modern Apprenticeship you learn on the job, and get the experience you need. Plus, you work towards a qualification.

A Modern Apprenticeship is a job which lets people earn a wage and gain an industry-recognised qualification.  This lets people work, learn and earn at the same time. SDS contribute towards the costs of their training, through a training provider who works with the business. 

The latest posts can be found here:

Highland Council Employability Service:

Positive Pathways

'Positive Pathway coordinators' help school leavers gain skills and confidence. Each young person is supported to develop an action plan to assist them on their journey towards and into employment.

You must:

You will:

Inverness College UHI 

Highland Senior Phase courses offer a fantastic opportunity to study a wide range of college courses as part of your school timetable in S4, S5 and S6.

These courses range from practical, skills for work programmes, through to highers and degree modules, complementing the offer in your school and providing you with greater choice.

Highland Senior Phase is delivered by UHI Inverness, UHI North Highland and UHI West Highland, in partnership with Highland Council.

Talk to SDS or your Guidance teacher to find out more.


Are you thinking about an alternative to work, study or school? 

Have you considered a gap year? 

Could you volunteer? 

Earn money?

Gap years can develop your skills, improve your CV, give you the opportunity for travel and much more! 

Do your research and find out where and what experience suits you best.


SDS Future_me_Subject choices_Spreads.pdf