Sexual Health

It's important that all young people are well armed with information about contraception, pregnancy, sex and STIs so we all know how to keep ourselves safe.

It's important to remember though that sex should be something that is had safely, when you are ready and can take responsibility for it. Remember the legal age of consent is 16.  It's important to make sure if you are considering having sex that you seek contraceptive advice to protect from unplanned pregnancy and STIs. 



Rape and Sexual Health and Abuse Service Highland is a charitable organisation based in  Inverness. They give support and offer information to those affected by rape and sexual abuse.


Wave is all about getting young people thinking and talking about their sexual health and relationships. They can provide resources or signpost.


Most GPS can provide general sexual health services and some general specialised services. Phone your GP practice to make an appt.


Free condoms by post and collection.

School Nurse

Secondary schools all have links to a school nurse who can offer sexual health information and support. Speak to your Guidance teacher for more information. 


Consenting to sex is very important. Consent means actively agreeing to be sexual with someone. It means that all parties have agreed to sex. Sex without consent is rape or sexual assault. 


Wave_s guide to SEX and LAW.pdf
Wave_s Guide to STIs.pdf
Wave_s Guide to CONDOM use_.pdf
TRANS- good sex is.._
Lesbian- good sex is..._
Gay and Bisexual Men- good sex is.._