How to support a friend

When a friend opens up to you about how they are feeling, or tells you about something they are struggling with, you might find the conversation tough and it can feel difficult to know what to say. This reaction is normal. It shows you care for that person and want to help them - it’s part of our nature to want to support others and this is something you should be proud of.

However sometimes, when we are supporting our friends we can take on a lot of stress. You might feel like it’s your responsibility alone to help them. But there are ways you can help your friend, and find people who can support you too so that you don’t feel overwhelmed and under pressure. Your Guidance teacher or carers are good places to start to get advice and use as a sounding board. 


Stay calm, listen and avoid judgment.

Remember when caring for another it's important to look after yourself too.

Help them to widen their support network - recommend helplines which are 24/7.

Encourage them to talk to a trusted adult. 
