Science Electives

Forensic Science (SFS)

Forensic Science is the application of all of the branches of Science to help answer questions that are of particular interest to the legal system. In this single semester elective students will gain an understanding of how Biology, and in particular Genetics, can be used to help determine how closely related people may be, or how DNA can be used to find the perpetrator of a crime. Chemistry and Physics are used to test materials and substances found at crime scenes. Psychology is used in Forensics when it comes to determining a person’s mental state or the circumstances behind a criminal’s behaviour. 

Students will conduct a number of practicals and undertake problem-solving opportunities to learn more about Forensic Science, and how all branches of Science can help solve crimes.

Mind and Body (PSY)

This elective will give students an insight into various aspects of Psychology. They will explore the history of Psychology, examine stages of sleep and dreaming and find out about theories of personality. We investigate the structure and functions of the brain and nervous system. Students will also discuss mental health issues, learn about motivation and helpful ways to relax and manage stress. This elective will not only give an insight into human behaviour, but it will assist those who choose to study VCE Units 1 and 2 Psychology in Year 10.