
The study of a language other than English contributes to the overall education of students, most particularly in the use of communication, but also in the areas of cross-cultural understanding, cognitive development, literacy and general knowledge.

The study of Italian develops students’ ability to understand the use a language that is one of the official languages of the European Union and the second most widely spoken language in Australia. This study is designed to enable students to

  • Use Italian to communicate with others;

  • Understand and appreciate the cultural contexts in which Italian is used;

  • Understand their own culture(s) through the study of other cultures;

  • Understand language as a system;

  • Make connections between Italian and English and/or other languages;

  • Apply Italian to work, further study, training and leisure.

Please click the documents below to download the Units 1 & 2 and Units 3 & 4 Italian subject handouts.

Italian - Units 1 & 2

Units 1 & 2

Italian - Units 3 & 4

3 & 4