VCE in Year 10

Year 10 Students wishing to undertake VCE Unit 1 & 2 Studies

For most students, focusing on their Year 10 subjects will provide a sounder foundation for success in Year 11 and Year 12. A small number of Cheltenham Secondary College students will decide to complete a VCE Unit 1 & 2 subject. 

Decisions on whether students can complete a Unit 1 & 2 subject will be based on whether students have performed at a consistently high level in their subjects, NAPLAN and other testing that may be available. It is not in a student’s best interest to study an advanced level subject unless they are able to perform to a high standard in that, and all their other subjects. 

Students who wish to enrol in VCE Units 1 & 2 in Year 10 must meet the following requirements: 

• A high attendance rate for the current year.

• Demonstrated academic excellence over the entire curriculum in the current year.

• Some subjects cannot be taken at Unit 3 & 4 level without the completion of Units 1 & 2. Where this is the case, students must satisfactorily complete both Units 1 & 2 and achieve results that indicate that they will succeed with Units 3 & 4 of the subjects.

• Demonstrated commitment to study and well-developed time management skills.

Please note: completing Unit 1 & 2 in Year 10 does not automatically qualify students to continue with Unit 3 & 4 of that study in Year 11

If you receive an invitation to undertake a VCE course of study in Year 10 you will need to attend an interview, together with your parents, regarding your course selections in August. This is a compulsory meeting for any students wishing to undertake a VCE subject in Year 10.