8th Grade FACS
1st 9 Weeks
Week 1 8/13 - 8/14
Thursday, 8/13 + Friday 8/14
In-School Day
Get to know classmates and instructor.
Schedule + Assignments:
Sign up for google classroom- Group A (5 minutes) P. 6 2u7itfx P. 7 kdavqfc
Give Out Monday's Assignment (Group B)
Guess Who Note Cards (5 minutes) Write down three things about yourself that will be read to the class and then we will guess who wrote each one.
Get to Know You Cupcake (remaining time)
E-Learning Day
Go over class assignments and procedures.
Demonstrate knowledge of class procedures and guidelines.
Schedule + Assignments:
Sign up for google classroom - Group B (5 minutes) P.6 2u7itfx P.7 kdavqfc
Join Remind Class P.6 Text @db7869to 81010 P. 7 Text @a47eghg to 81010 (5 minutes)
Read class guidelines and procedures (10 minutes)
Take Guidelines and procedures quiz (10 minutes) On Google Classroom
Week 2 8/17 - 8/21
Monday, 8/17
Group A
Define SMART Goals.
Evaluate your goals based on the SMART goals philosophy.
Revise your goals into SMART goals.
Identify and describe each letter in S.M.A.R.T.
Schedule + Assignments:
Go-Over Guidelines and Procedures
Give Out Paperwork for the week
SMART Goals Vision Board Project - Example
Group B
Define key terms related to character and values.
Schedule + Assignments:
Character Vocab (15 Minutes)
Tuesday, 8/18
Group A
Define SMART Goals.
Evaluate your goals based on the SMART goals philosophy.
Revise your goals into SMART goals.
Identify and describe each letter in S.M.A.R.T.
Schedule + Assignments:
Finish SMART Goals Vision Board Project - Example
Group B
Define SMART Goals.
Evaluate your goals based on the SMART goals philosophy.
Revise your goals into SMART goals.
Identify and describe each letter in S.M.A.R.T.
Schedule + Assignments:
Go-Over Guidelines and Procedures
Give Out Paperwork for the week
SMART Goals Vision Board Project - Example
Wednesday, 8/19
Group A + B
Define key terms related to character and values.
Explain why character and values are important.
Describe the importance of personal responsibility.
Schedule + Assignments:
Character Vocab (15 Minutes) - Group A Only
Character Questions Activity (15 minutes) On Google Classroom
Thursday, 8/20
Group A
Distinguish between reduce, reuse, recycle.
Describe the journey our trash takes from home to landfill.
Understand the different parts of the landfill and their purposes.
Identify decomposition times for everyday items.
Schedule + Assignments:
Bellringer (5 minutes) Answer on Google Classroom
Explain two reasons it is important to care about the environment.
List three ways you can help take care of the environment.
Recycling Videos (15 minutes)
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Video (3 minutes)
Landfill Virtual Field Trip (5 minutes)
How do Landfills Work? (3 minutes)
Zero Waste Girl (2 minutes)
Zero Waste Grocery Store (2 minutes)
Decomposition Activity (remaining time) - On Google Classroom
Group B
Define SMART Goals.
Evaluate your goals based on the SMART goals philosophy.
Revise your goals into SMART goals.
Identify and describe each letter in S.M.A.R.T.
Schedule + Assignments:
Finish SMART Goals Vision Board Project - Example
Friday, 8/21
Group A
Discuss the relationship between family structure and a person's development.
Define each type of family and draw an example of each.
Schedule + Assignments:
Group B
Distinguish between reduce, reuse, recycle.
Describe the journey our trash takes from home to landfill.
Understand the different parts of the landfill and their purposes.
Identify decomposition times for everyday items.
Schedule + Assignments:
Bellringer (5 minutes) Answer on Google Classroom
Explain two reasons it is important to care about the environment.
List three ways you can help take care of the environment.
Recycling Videos (15 minutes)
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Video (3 minutes)
Landfill Virtual Field Trip (5 minutes)
How do Landfills Work? (3 minutes)
Zero Waste Girl (2 minutes)
Zero Waste Grocery Store (2 minutes)
Decomposition Activity (remaining time) - On Google Classroom
Week 3 8/24 - 8/28
Monday, 8/24
Group A
Compare and contrast a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.
Predict what people with each type of mindset would say or do.
Discuss the benefits of having a growth mindset.
Schedule + Assignments:
Famous Failures (3 minutes)
Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset Video 1 (3 minutes)
Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset Video 2 (10 minutes)
Nike Ad (2 minutes)
Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset Man (remaining time) - Info Chart 1 , Info Chart 2
Group B
Discuss the relationship between family structure and a person's development.
Define each type of family and draw an example of each.
Schedule + Assignments:
Tuesday, 8/25
Group A
Compare and contrast a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.
Predict what people with each type of mindset would say or do.
Discuss the benefits of having a growth mindset.
Schedule + Assignments:
Finish Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset Man (20 minutes) - Info Chart 1 , Info Chart 2
Decision Making Poster (remaining time) Textbook Page
Group B
Compare and contrast a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.
Predict what people with each type of mindset would say or do.
Discuss the benefits of having a growth mindset.
Describe the steps of the decision making process.
Apply the decision making process to every day scenarios.
Schedule + Assignments:
Talk About Decision Making Poster (remaining time) Textbook Page
Famous Failures (3 minutes)
Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset Video 1 (3 minutes)
Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset Video 2 (10 minutes)
Nike Ad (2 minutes)
Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset Man (remaining time) - Info Chart 1 , Info Chart 2
Wednesday, 8/26
Group A + B
Describe the steps of the decision making process.
Apply the decision making process to every day scenarios.
Schedule + Assignments:
Thursday, 8/27
Group A
Define key terms related to character and values.
Discuss the importance and importance of values.
Compare values between people of different backgrounds.
Schedule + Assignments:
Bellringer (5 minutes) Who influenced the values that you have? What does it mean for a person to have good values?
Values Video (5 minutes)
Values Activity + Written Response (remaining time) On Google Classroom
Group B
Compare and contrast a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.
Predict what people with each type of mindset would say or do.
Discuss the benefits of having a growth mindset.
Describe the steps of the decision making process.
Apply the decision making process to every day scenarios.
Schedule + Assignments:
Finish Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset Man (20 minutes) - Info Chart 1 , Info Chart 2
Decision Making Poster (remaining time) Textbook Page
Friday, 8/28
Group A
Identify the five qualities of effective teams.
Create examples of teams with each quality.
Apply the characteristics of an effective team.
Use teamwork to complete a group task.
Schedule + Assignments:
Characteristics of Effective Teams Chart Here is the article: Teamwork Article
Group B
Define key terms related to character and values.
Discuss the importance and importance of values.
Compare values between people of different backgrounds.
Schedule + Assignments:
Bellringer (5 minutes) Who influenced the values that you have? What does it mean for a person to have good values?
Values Video (5 minutes)
Values Activity + Written Response (remaining time) On Google Classroom
Week 4 8/30 - 9/4
Monday, 8/30
Group A
Identify the five qualities of effective teams.
Create examples of teams with each quality.
Apply the characteristics of an effective team.
Use teamwork to complete a group task.
Schedule + Assignments:
Bellringer: What is nonverbal communication? Give two examples. What is verbal communication? Give two examples. (5 minutes)
Communication/Team Activities (40 minutes) - In Class
Group B
Identify the five qualities of effective teams.
Create examples of teams with each quality.
Apply the characteristics of an effective team.
Use teamwork to complete a group task.
Schedule + Assignments:
Characteristics of Effective Teams Chart
Tuesday, 9/1
Group A
Identify the five qualities of effective teams.
Create examples of teams with each quality.
Apply the characteristics of an effective team.
Use teamwork to complete a group task.
Schedule + Assignments:
Communication/Teamwork Reflection (15 minutes) On Google Classroom
Group B
Identify the five qualities of effective teams.
Create examples of teams with each quality.
Apply the characteristics of an effective team.
Use teamwork to complete a group task.
Schedule + Assignments:
Bellringer: What is nonverbal communication? Give two examples. What is verbal communication? Give two examples. (5 minutes)
Communication/Team Activities (15 minutes) - In Class
Communication/Teamwork Reflection (Remaining time) - On Google Classroom
Wednesday, 9/2
Group A + B
Identify common laundry symbols.
Demonstrate clothes sorting based on color.
Read labels on clothing to determine proper care.
Schedule + Assignments:
Bellringer 1.How much experience do you have doing laundry? 2.If you don’t have very much experience, why not? Do you know anything about laundry? What do you know 3. For those of you who do have experience, how long have you been doing laundry? What do you know about it? Google Classroom
How to Do Laundry Video (5 Minutes)
Laundry Symbols WS (20 minutes) Google Classroom
Thursday, 9/3
Group A
Identify the steps for recognizing peer pressure.
Put peer pressure to the test by conducting a class experiment.
Discuss ways to overcome peer pressure.
Schedule + Assignments:
Bellringer: What is peer pressure? List three examples. List three ways you can resist it. Is peer pressure always a bad thing? Explain. (10 minutes)
Peer Pressure Experiment Video + Activity (5 Minutes)
Peer Pressure Stories + Read Aloud (remaining time)
Group B
Identify the five qualities of effective teams.
Create examples of teams with each quality.
Apply the characteristics of an effective team.
Use teamwork to complete a group task.
Schedule + Assignments:
Communication/Teamwork Reflection (10 minutes) On Google Classroom
Friday, 9/4
Group A
Identify common laundry symbols.
Demonstrate clothes sorting based on color.
Read labels on clothing to determine proper care.
Schedule + Assignments:
Do a Load of Laundry Homework Google Classroom
Group B
Identify the steps for recognizing peer pressure.
Put peer pressure to the test by conducting a class experiment.
Discuss ways to overcome peer pressure.
Schedule + Assignments:
Bellringer: What is peer pressure? List three examples. List three ways you can resist it. Is peer pressure always a bad thing? Explain. (10 minutes)
Peer Pressure Experiment Video + Activity (5 Minutes)
Peer Pressure Stories + Read Aloud (remaining time)
Week 5 9/7 - 9/11
Monday, 9/7 - No School
Tuesday, 9/8
Group A
Define key terms related to child development.
Identify the types of development, describe, and illustrate them.
Schedule + Assignments:
Types of Development Chart (remaining time)
Group B
Identify common laundry symbols.
Demonstrate clothes sorting based on color.
Read labels on clothing to determine proper care.
Schedule + Assignments:
Do a Load of Laundry Homework Google Classroom
Wednesday, 9/9
Group A
Define each type of play.
Evaluate toys based on their quality, educational values, and the types of physical development it promotes.
Distinguish between fine and gross motor skills.
Identify ways to promote physical, intellectual, language, social, and moral development.
Schedule + Assignments:
Fine and Gross Motor Skills + Types of Play (15 minutes) Google Classroom
Group B
Define key terms related to child development.
Identify the types of development, describe, and illustrate them.
Schedule + Assignments:
Types of Development Chart (remaining time)
Thursday, 9/10
Group A
Define each type of play.
Evaluate toys based on their quality, educational values, and the types of physical development it promotes.
Distinguish between fine and gross motor skills.
Identify ways to promote physical, intellectual, language, social, and moral development.
Schedule + Assignments:
Toy Evaluation - Google Classroom
Group B
Define each type of play.
Evaluate toys based on their quality, educational values, and the types of physical development it promotes.
Distinguish between fine and gross motor skills.
Identify ways to promote physical, intellectual, language, social, and moral development.
Schedule + Assignments:
Fine and Gross Motor Skills + Types of Play (15 minutes) Google Classroom
Friday, 9/11
Group A
Explain ways to handle tantrums
Characterize five behavioral/learning disabilities
Create a timeline with 15 developmental milestones from birth to age 12
Define each type of development included in PIES
List safety hazards in the home and childproofing methods
Create 5 rules babysitters should follow
Describe 5 medical emergencies children may face and how to handle them
Schedule + Assignments:
Begin Lapbook Project: Conduct the research for two parts of your project and turn in the google doc with your information. Google Classroom
Group B
Define each type of play.
Evaluate toys based on their quality, educational values, and the types of physical development it promotes.
Distinguish between fine and gross motor skills.
Identify ways to promote physical, intellectual, language, social, and moral development.
Schedule + Assignments:
Toy Evaluation - Google Classroom
Week 6 9/14 - 9/18
Monday, 9/14
Group A
Distinguish between child abuse and neglect.
Summarize current events in the field of Child Development pertaining to child abuse and neglect.
Schedule + Assignments:
Abuse + Neglect Articles Google Classroom
Group B
Explain ways to handle tantrums
Characterize five behavioral/learning disabilities
Create a timeline with 15 developmental milestones from birth to age 12
Define each type of development included in PIES
List safety hazards in the home and childproofing methods
Create 5 rules babysitters should follow
Describe 5 medical emergencies children may face and how to handle them
Schedule + Assignments:
Begin Lapbook Project: Conduct the research for two parts of your project and turn in the google doc with your information. - Google Classroom
Tuesday, 9/15
Group A
Explain ways to handle tantrums
Characterize five behavioral/learning disabilities
Create a timeline with 15 developmental milestones from birth to age 12
Define each type of development included in PIES
List safety hazards in the home and childproofing methods
Create 5 rules babysitters should follow
Describe 5 medical emergencies children may face and how to handle them
Schedule + Assignments:
Lapbook Project: Find information for another two sections and add those to your google doc. Yuu should have four completed sections by the end of today.- Google Classroom
Group B
Distinguish between child abuse and neglect.
Summarize current events in the field of Child Development pertaining to child abuse and neglect.
Schedule + Assignments:
Talk About + Hand Out Lapbook Materials
Abuse + Neglect Articles Google Classroom
Wednesday, 9/16
Group A + B
Explain ways to handle tantrums
Characterize five behavioral/learning disabilities
Create a timeline with 15 developmental milestones from birth to age 12
Define each type of development included in PIES
List safety hazards in the home and childproofing methods
Create 5 rules babysitters should follow
Describe 5 medical emergencies children may face and how to handle them
Schedule + Assignments:
Lapbook Project: Find information for the rest of your lapbook project. - Google Classroom
Thursday, 9/17
Group A + B
Explain ways to handle tantrums
Characterize five behavioral/learning disabilities
Create a timeline with 15 developmental milestones from birth to age 12
Define each type of development included in PIES
List safety hazards in the home and childproofing methods
Create 5 rules babysitters should follow
Describe 5 medical emergencies children may face and how to handle them
Schedule + Assignments:
Begin constructing lapbook
Friday, 9/18
Group A + B
Explain ways to handle tantrums
Characterize five behavioral/learning disabilities
Create a timeline with 15 developmental milestones from birth to age 12
Define each type of development included in PIES
List safety hazards in the home and childproofing methods
Create 5 rules babysitters should follow
Describe 5 medical emergencies children may face and how to handle them
Schedule + Assignments:
Work on lapbook
Week 7 9/21 - 9/25
Monday, 9/21
Group A + B
Explain ways to handle tantrums
Characterize five behavioral/learning disabilities
Create a timeline with 15 developmental milestones from birth to age 12
Define each type of development included in PIES
List safety hazards in the home and childproofing methods
Create 5 rules babysitters should follow
Describe 5 medical emergencies children may face and how to handle them
Schedule + Assignments:
Work on lapbook
Tuesday, 9/22
Group A + B
Explain ways to handle tantrums
Characterize five behavioral/learning disabilities
Create a timeline with 15 developmental milestones from birth to age 12
Define each type of development included in PIES
List safety hazards in the home and childproofing methods
Create 5 rules babysitters should follow
Describe 5 medical emergencies children may face and how to handle them
Schedule + Assignments:
Work on lapbook
Wednesday, 9/23
Group A + B
Explain ways to handle tantrums
Characterize five behavioral/learning disabilities
Create a timeline with 15 developmental milestones from birth to age 12
Define each type of development included in PIES
List safety hazards in the home and childproofing methods
Create 5 rules babysitters should follow
Describe 5 medical emergencies children may face and how to handle them
Schedule + Assignments:
Work on lapbook
Thursday, 9/24
Group A + B
Explain ways to handle tantrums
Characterize five behavioral/learning disabilities
Create a timeline with 15 developmental milestones from birth to age 12
Define each type of development included in PIES
List safety hazards in the home and childproofing methods
Create 5 rules babysitters should follow
Describe 5 medical emergencies children may face and how to handle them
Schedule + Assignments:
Work on lapbook
Friday, 9/25
Group A + B
Explain ways to handle tantrums
Characterize five behavioral/learning disabilities
Create a timeline with 15 developmental milestones from birth to age 12
Define each type of development included in PIES
List safety hazards in the home and childproofing methods
Create 5 rules babysitters should follow
Describe 5 medical emergencies children may face and how to handle them
Schedule + Assignments:
Work on lapbook
Week 8 9/28 - 10/2
Monday, 9/28
Wrap up child development.
Demonstrate how to use positive guidance techniques.
Schedule + Assignments:
Lapbook Due!
Vocab Review Scenarios (25 minutes)
Do This... not that (remaining time)
Tuesday, 9/29
Wrap up child development.
Define and provide examples of digital citizenship and digital footprint.
Schedule + Assignments:
Child Development Review (30 minutes)
Child Development Review Game (remaining time)
Wednesday, 9/30
Group A + B
Define and provide examples of digital citizenship and digital footprint.
Wrap up child development.
Schedule + Assignments:
Child Development Quiz (35 minutes)
Internet Safety Writing Response (remaining time)
Thursday, 10/1
Define digital footprint and digital citizenship.
Describe the importance of a positive digital footprint and digital citizenship.
Discuss the basics of online communication, netiquette, searching the internet, cyberbullying, and copyright.
Schedule + Assignments:
Internet Safety PP Project
Friday, 10/2
Define digital footprint and digital citizenship.
Describe the importance of a positive digital footprint and digital citizenship.
Discuss the basics of online communication, netiquette, searching the internet, cyberbullying, and copyright.
Schedule + Assignments:
Internet Safety PP Project
Week 9 10/5 - 10/9
Monday, 10/5
Define digital footprint and digital citizenship.
Describe the importance of a positive digital footprint and digital citizenship.
Discuss the basics of online communication, netiquette, searching the internet, cyberbullying, and copyright.
Schedule + Assignments:
Bellringer: Google Yourself. (Name: Location). What did you find? Were you surprised? Why or why not? What does your digital footprint say about you? (5 minutes)
Present Presentations (remaining time)
Tuesday, 10/6
Discuss proper safety in the kitchen including fire, burns, knives, slips, and clean-up.
Identify the steps for proper handwashing
Discuss the importance of handwashing
Identify the most germy places in the kitchen.
Explain the 4 Cs.
Know the temperature danger zone and its importance.
Explain the connection between cross-contamination and foodborne illness.
Identify the three types of contaminates.
Explain ways to keep food during purchase, preparation, and consumption.
Explain the concept of HACCP and list each step.
Schedule + Assignments:
Bellringer (5 minutes) 1. Describe your cooking experience. 2. Who cooks most of the meals at your house? 3. What does a typical dinner at your house look like? On Google Classroom
Wednesday, 10/7
List all of the food groups in MyPlate.
Identify example foods for each food group and daily recommended amounts'
Identify common kitchen equivalents and abbreviations
List the six major nutrients.
Identify the functions and sources of the six major nutrients.
Identify common pieces of kitchen equipment and their uses.
Schedule + Assignments:
MyPlate Graphic Organizer (remaining time) How much do I need per day?
Thursday, 10/8
List all of the food groups in MyPlate.
Identify example foods for each food group and daily recommended amounts'
Identify common kitchen equivalents and abbreviations
List the six major nutrients.
Identify the functions and sources of the six major nutrients.
Identify common pieces of kitchen equipment and their uses.
Schedule + Assignments:
Friday, 10/9
List all of the food groups in MyPlate.
Identify example foods for each food group and daily recommended amounts'
Identify common kitchen equivalents and abbreviations
List the six major nutrients.
Identify the functions and sources of the six major nutrients.
Identify common pieces of kitchen equipment and their uses.
Schedule + Assignments:
Finish Wednesday and Thursday Work
Week 10 10/12 - 10/16
Monday, 10/12
Discuss proper safety in the kitchen including fire, burns, knives, slips, and clean-up.
Identify the steps for proper handwashing
Discuss the importance of handwashing
Identify the most germy places in the kitchen.
Explain the 4 Cs.
Know the temperature danger zone and its importance.
Explain the connection between cross-contamination and foodborne illness.
Identify the three types of contaminates.
Explain ways to keep food during purchase, preparation, and consumption.
Explain the concept of HACCP and list each step.
Schedule + Assignments:
Finish Safety PP and Safety PP Notes
Tuesday, 10/13
Discuss proper safety in the kitchen including fire, burns, knives, slips, and clean-up.
Identify the steps for proper handwashing
Discuss the importance of handwashing
Identify the most germy places in the kitchen.
Explain the 4 Cs.
Know the temperature danger zone and its importance.
Explain the connection between cross-contamination and foodborne illness.
Identify the three types of contaminates.
Explain ways to keep food during purchase, preparation, and consumption.
Explain the concept of HACCP and list each step.
Schedule + Assignments:
Wednesday, 10/14
Explain how to follow the food safety rules of "buy cold food last, get it home fast", "don't wait, refrigerate", "keep it straight, don't cross-contaminate", "cook it well, or time will tell", "keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold", and "If in doubt, throw it out!".
Schedule + Assignments:
Bellringer: Describe an example of cross-contamination. (5 minutes)
Food Safety Memes (remaining time)
Thursday, 10/15
Schedule + Assignments:
Friday, 10/16
Schedule + Assignments:
Week 11 10/26 - 10/30
Monday, 10/26
Accurately follow a recipe.
Demonstrate proper safety and sanitation techniques.
Practice using kitchen equipment.
Apply effective teamwork and time management skills.
Explain how to follow the food safety rules of "buy cold food last, get it home fast", "don't wait, refrigerate", "keep it straight, don't cross-contaminate", "cook it well, or time will tell", "keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold", and "If in doubt, throw it out!".
Schedule + Assignments:
French Toast Demo + French Toast Lab Plans + Lab Sheet
Tuesday, 10/27
Accurately follow a recipe.
Demonstrate proper safety and sanitation techniques.
Practice using kitchen equipment.
Apply effective teamwork and time management skills.
Schedule + Assignments:
French Toast Exit Slip (remaining time) Google Classroom
Wednesday, 10/28
Schedule + Assignments:
Thursday, 10/29
Schedule + Assignments:
Friday, 10/30
Schedule + Assignments: