
Teacher: Tracy Netter

Teaching Artist: Shenequa Brooks 

Big Idea 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is internal and external.

Inquiry Question

How does beauty impact our youth?

Crown Beauty

Ms. Shenequa and Mrs. Netter instructed the students the theme of the class is beauty. Who is beautiful to you, what does beauty look like, and where is a beautiful space for you? The students responded to these questions through writing and drawing. From there sketches they created sculptures using paper, clay, and miscellaneous materials. 

Process of the students working on their crowns.

The students designed crowns using plastic headbands as the base and various materials they can build upward that defined beauty to them.

The students made paper crowns using construction paper to get an idea of how they want there crowns to look. 

Julian B. displaying his geometric shape crown.

Myracle J. displaying her heart and pom pom crown.

Angel B. displaying his garden name plate crown. 

The students sharing their drawings with the crowns they worn to show the accuracy or changes from the sketch to final piece. 

Victoria S. displaying her flower crown and drawing.

Jayceon W. displaying his triangular crown.

Clay Beauty 

The students learned about symbols and what they mean when you see it. From there Ms. Shenequa and Mrs. Netter wanted the students to think about what symbolizes beauty to them. The questions we asked them were who is beautiful? What place looks beautiful to them? Why is it beautiful? They wrote out five words/phrases that answered those questions. They drew out the symbols and colored them in for accuracy. Finally, created their symbols out of clay and painted them. See below what the students came up with. 

The process of the students working with air dry clay to create their symbols they designed for beauty. 

Antoine K. made a dog symbol becuase he finds dogs to be beautiful. 

Matthew L. made a leaf symbolizing nature and growth which he finds to be beautiful. 

Verkeyla's eye palette symbolizes her beauty in makeup.

Carmelo was interested in text and words that symbolized beauty for him and one in particular was Love. 

Victoria's symbol is a rose because it symbolized beauty amongst other things. 

Thank you Mrs. Netter, the teachers and staff at New Sullivan for hosting and supporting us during the five weeks of our summer program. Thank you to Ms. Shenequa and all of the Teaching Artists who particpated with our young scholars. Thank you to our liaison Ms. Pineda and CAPE family for your continuous support and collaboration for the arts. Til next year!