
Big Idea: Coming back together

Inquiry Question: How can we regain and increase kinesthetic awareness and kinesthetic empathy is we enter into a new school year "post" pandemic?


Our older participants at New Sullivan showcasing mirroring.  We incorporated this as an exercise to warmup often throughout or time together.


Our younger participants building structures utilizing Magnetic Tiles and Legos

This year we really looked less at the ends as the means and focused in on our processes of creating movement.  This involved setting in intentions for our classrooms, weeks, and months ahead, which we journaled about and reflecting upon each week.  We also practiced observing movement that happens in our natural environments.  Pictured below is our classrooms focusing on objects outdoors.  We shared what was observed through embodied movements.

Since we weren't able to do any field trips this year, we also organized two community bike rides.  During this time all the classrooms were able to move together throughout the neighborhood.

Mr. Knowbody and a CAPE parent adjusted seats and pumped air into tires

Ready to roll!

Resting in the shade at Schaefer Park