Drama/ Performance

<<Insert 10 (ish) word description>>

Carolyn Nicholson, Teacher

Maya Prentiss, Teaching Artist

Welcome to your class website!! The purpose of this site is to show CAPE the development of your arts integration partnership, as guided by your big idea and inquiry question. 

Feel free to use the format we have constructed, or you can use "content blocks" from the "Insert" tab, which will allow you to customize the space as you would like.

No matter the format you use, make sure you have the following:


Class Information

Grade Levels: K-8

Class Schedule (days/times): M/W, 3:30-5:30

Academic content: 

Art form(s): 

Big Idea: 

Inquiry Question: 

Semester 1

<<description of main projects>>

Semester 2

<<description of main projects>>

Other notable activities throughout the year!