Visual Arts

<<where students come to explore what they see and create what they believe>>

Tracy Netter, Teacher

b'Anansi Knowbody/ Ci Phillips, Teaching Artist

Class Information

Grade Levels: K-8

Class Schedule (days/times): T/Th, 3:30-5:30

Academic content: 

Art form(s):  Students explored a range of art forms. While instructed by Mr. Knowbody students practiced painting, self-portraits, and sketching.  Under the leadership of Ms. Ci, students used multidisciplinary art forms to build better relationships with their own bodies and minds. Students were encouraged to use art as a form to know themselves better, build confidence, and imagine who they want to be.  This can be summed up as personal style and philosophy. Projects included: Hat decoration, Pictionary collages, clay making, and social-emotional learning prompts.

Big Idea: The big idea of every project is to get students to think critically about the world and who they would like to be in the world. It is to insert confidence, self-love, and grace for themselves and others. 

Inquiry Question: 

"What word do you believe you embody or would like to embody?"

"What do you love the most about yourself"

"If you could create any character and world, how would it be?"

"What makes you happy/sad?"

"What is community? How do you treat others?"

"What is something I would like to get better at?"

Semester 1

<<Mr. Knowbody instructed kids in sketching and drawing the human body so that they can create self-portraits and portraits of each other >>

Playing with Pastels 

Kameron is in grade 6 and holds up his own self-portrait.

Semester 2: The Self & Clay

Projects focusing on the self and imagination: Hats, Collages, and Clay Figures 

Beginning work of a student who created mushroom characters and a mushroom world. Before paint and gloss. Student is in grade 7.

The student is in grade 8. Creating characters and mini-universe.  She gets extra creative by making her object interactive and movable using stencils and a hot glue gun! 


A sneak peek into the awesome creativity of one of our 6th-grade students-also showing her love for the city of Chicago.

Student Hats displayed at CAPE's exhibition.

Student abstract for CAPE's Exbition

Other notable activities throughout the year!

Students Collage Work displayed at CAPE's exhibition

Student chose te word "queen." This student is in grade 3.

Students chose the word "sad," to express less positive emotions and process it. This student is in grade 7.

Last day of class students sat with each other and discussed what they learned throughout the year and 1 thing they love about themselves. Most students mentioned clay and learning how to make pinch pots and bowls from clay. It was lovely to hear them express their growth and talk about themselves with confidence, love, and respect.