9.1: The Red River Resistance

What issues did the Métis uprisings in the west raise for Canada?

In what way did different ideas of citizenship shape events?

What was the Red River Resistance?

The people living on the Red River were upset that the Hudson Bay Company, Britain and Canada were discussing the transfer of ownership of Rupert's Land:

  • April 1869 - Canada paid HBC approximately $1.5 million for Ruperts Land and the British-claimed territories.
  • No one living in these regions were consulted
  • The people of the Red River wanted to have a say in their future, but Canada was not going to consult with the Métis on this issue.

What Triggered the Red River Resistance?

Crops failing in 1869 and the decrease in buffalo only increased the unrest within the Métis. When surveyors came and assessed the peoples land, the people of the Red River settlement began to worry.

The land transfer to the government of Canada from HBC was to be done in December 1869, but surveying and the sectioning off of land was started in April, that same year.

Deciding it was time to take charge, the Métis declared a provisional government and issued the Declaration fo the People of Rupert's Land and the North-West.

Led by Louis Riel, the people drew up the declaration stating:

  • HBC and the government abandoned by transferring ownership to a new power (Canada)
  • They refuse to be coerced by the new authority
  • They have always acted accordingly to prevent a take over
  • They do not want Canadian authority over them
  • This provisional government is the only lawful authority that is in existence in Rupert's Land and the North-West, and they only one they will follow
  • They agree to enter into negotiations with the Canadian government


Work through this section on your Chapter 9 Questions document title "What makes a Controversy?" and "Mapping the Controversy at the Red River.

Read History Happens on page 275 and 276. Respond to question 1 and 2 on the document shared under the section "Buffalo Hunters Return to Red River".

Read page 277 and 278. Respond to the questions under the section "RESPOND page 278".

Read History Happens on page 279 - 280 and respond to the questions under the section titled "Letters to the Editor".

Read pages 281 - 285 and respond to the questions on the document Chapter 9 Questions for Louis Riel

Page 275 and 276