3.2: Similarities and Differences Between French and British Colonies


coexistence - two or more people of diverse cultures living together peacefully

Imperialism - Britain is forcing France to comply

What Characterized French and British Colonies in North America

Looking at the timeline, map and background information determine which category each event might fall under, using the categories listed below. Next, in a group of 2, create 7 different questions related to each of the ideas below:

Cause and effect - operation or relation of a cause and its effect; because of one action happening it results in a new action

example: Your alarm clock rings and it wakes you up. Because it woke you up, you were not late for school

Geographical challenges and issues - problems or difficulties that happened because of the geography of an area

Example: Rivers can be challenging because they may flood an area

Challenges of coexistence - challenges that arise because two different cultures are coexisting

Example: French and English people trying to communicate but cannot because they do not speak the same language.

Demographics - Information about a population

Examples: age, population count, income amount, employment

Imperialism - a country sends out people to claim land for the home country through force

Example: British came to Canada and tried to force the French to follow them and force the First Nations to join them

Economic structure - how an organization or country chooses to spend money and earn money

Example: The town of Provost votes on how they will spend money and how much tax they will charge the people who live here.

Social structure - A pattern of social arguments/rules in society that are both emergent from and determinate of the actions of individuals.

Example: Athenian culture dictated that slaves were a lower class than the male citizens

Using the events on the timeline on page 76 and the map, determine what category each event would fall under. Record your answers on the back of your handout.

Example: 1629 - 1632 - Britain controls Québec

Cause and effect - Because Britain overthrows the French, Britain controls Quebec

Challenges of coexistence - French do not want to be part British society

Read pages 75 - 80 together.

Now that you have read the timeline of events, try and categories each event into one of the categories from above.

You do not have to write this information down, but try and see how many you can categorize with the class.

Do you think one event might fit under a different category??

Explain your reasoning for why or why not.